Welcome back to everyone and a special word of welcome to our new junior infants and children who have joined us up through the school.

A few points to remember:

Arrival Time:

9.15 am for all children.

(For the first two weeks junior infants go directly to their classroom via the back middle door).

Departure Times:

  • Junior Infants finish at 12.30pm each day (up to and including Wednesday September 14th). Parents wait at the junior play area.

  • Senior Infants finish at 2pm as usual. All other classes finish at 3pm.

  • The overflow car park at the junior play area will be open at 3pm each day.

  • A reminder that parking outside the main gate is only on the left side of the road facing away from the school.

School Tracksuits:  Tracksuits ordered during the summer are now ready for collection.

Book Rental/School Expenses:  Please use the envelope provided with the school report (one envelope per child please).  This will help us to provide receipts and keep an accurate record of payments.

Staff News: Ms. Hayden is away on parental leave at present and will return at the end of the month.  She is replaced by Ms. Sukprasert.

Congratulationsto Mrs. Julian (previously Ms. Mulhare!) and her husband David who married in July.