GREEN SCHOOLS: We have just been notified that our school has been awarded the green flag for water. This is great news and a tribute to the wonderful work done by the green schools committees over the last two years. The flag will be presented to the school at a ceremony in Athlone on May 22nd.

PUNCTUALITY: A reminder that the first chime sounds at 9.15 am and children are collected by their teacher and brought to class. The second chime at 9.20 am indicates that school has commenced. Children should be in their line by 9.15 am. It is important for all children to be on time, but especially so for younger children who are getting used to school routine.

OFFICIAL OPENING: The official opening of our new school will take place on Thursday June 12th at 2 pm. More details to follow.

DRAINAGE: We have had an on-going problem with drainage at the front and side of the school. A “french drain” was put in over the holiday period which will hopefully solve that problem. However, we are now left with visible stones which are very “tempting” for young children. We are asking parents collecting children, especially at 3pm not to allow pre-schoolers access to that area.

5 A-SIDE SOCCER: Two boys teams and two girls teams from 6th class took part in the annual Aviva competition held in Portlaoise yesterday. There were some excellent matches with our teams narrowly missing out qualifying for the next round. However, the two local derby matches ended in draws so everybody went home happy!

FIRST EUCHARIST:   Preparations are well under way for Sunday May 18th. More details over the coming weeks.

LITERACY/NUMERACY:  As we have mentioned before we have introduced new strategies to improve and promote literacy and numeracy in school.  This may involve your children taking part in a variety of activities with other teachers and classes.

* Monday May 5th Bank Holiday
* Friday May 23rd Local/European Elections
* Friday May 30th Holiday
* Monday June 2nd Bank Holiday
* Tuesday June 3rd Holiday

Lisa Walsh and Adam Lynskey (6th Class) represented the school at the skills competition held recently in Stradbally.  Lisa has been chosen to play in an exhibition match at Croke Park later in the year.  Adam will play at a Laois championship match during the summer.  Well done!

Your Move Health and Fitness:
(based at Ballylinan G.A.A. Club House).  Offers available – contact Marc 086 3114395 or

Uisce says “Don’t say no to saving H20”