Newsletter 16th June

For the first time in many weeks, we have been notified of a case of Covid. This is an opportune time to thank you all for your excellent cooperation with public health measures during the past couple of years. We know that it was difficult at times for all concerned and we appreciate in particular those parents who informed us of cases. It is unclear how the next school year will be affected but for now,  public health advice remains that – tested or not – if your child has symptoms, s/he should not attend school. Thank you all again.

6th Class Graduation
This will take place next Wednesday, 22nd June at 7:30 p.m. in the school. More details to follow.

School Reports
This year’s school reports are available on Aladdin. Regarding standardised test results, as in previous years it is important to note that the test is not an examination and it is unfair to make direct comparisons. Teachers gather information about your child’s learning all the time and this is part of the process. It is an indication of your child’s achievement in English (reading) and Maths.

Booklists 2022/23
Click on the class links below to view booklists (PDF format):

Junior Infants  (Ms. Twomey)

Senior Infants  (Mrs. Donnelly)

1st Class    (Ms. Goff)

2nd Class   (Ms. Cunningham)

3rd Class   (Mrs. Moriarty)
3rd Class   (Mr. Curry)

4th Class   (Ms. Hogan)

5th Class   (Mrs. Sukprasert)
5th Class   (Mr. Sweeney)

6th Class   (Mr. Sweeney)
6th Class   (Ms. Lacey)

Newsletter 31st May

IMPORTANT:  Morning Arrangements
Please read the following carefully, as for some of our parents this will be the first time that our normal morning arrangements will be in effect:

Starting on Wednesday, 8th June – after the coming long weekend – we are glad to be able to revert to our usual (pre-Covid) arrangements as follows:

School starts at 9:15 a.m. which is unchanged. However, children who arrive early (i.e. before that time) will line up in designated areas in the yard to the rear of the school. If it is very wet, children will be brought into the hall. Please note that the Board of Management does not accept responsibility for children who arrive more than ten minutes before the school starting time as they will be unsupervised.

As usual, please remember that the drop-off zone in the mornings is only designed for you to drop and go. If you need to get out of your car at all or if you need to wait for any reason, please use the designated parking spaces.

As some parents may now choose to arrive a little later, it’s possible that traffic will be more grouped together at times and we ask for your patience and understanding particularly for the first day or two as the renewed arrangements settle in.

Thank you for your cooperation as always, we really appreciate it.

Incoming Junior Infants
Our new pupils (with their parents) visited us on the afternoon of Wednesday, 25th May. We were happy to meet them and look forward to seeing them after the summer (or at our summer camp, see below).

SNA Appointment
The Board of Management has appointed Ms. Andrea Woods to the position of SNA in the school, replacing Mary Kehoe who retired during the year. Mrs. Kehoe worked in the school for 20 years and we will all miss her greatly. We thank her for her dedication to the pupils in her care and wish her many years of health and happiness to come.

Superstars Summer Camp
We’re delighted that our camp is making a return this year. It will take place in the school from 27th June – 1st July for incoming Junior Infants upwards. If you wish to book, please contact the school. Thank you.

Calendar 22/23
After the summer, school will reopen for all pupils on Wednesday, 31st August.

Upcoming Closures
Please note that inservice required by the Department of Education will take place this Friday afternoon (3rd June) so school will finish at 12:15 for infants and 12:30 for all other pupils. School will be closed as planned next Monday and Tuesday, 6th & 7th June.