NEWSLETTER 27th March 2017

BOOK FAIR:  The book fair will finish tomorrow (Tuesday) at 3pm.  Thanks to our Parents Association officers and school staff who have been very generous with their time and a big “thank you” to 6th class children for all their help.


Bishop Denis Nulty will confirm children from 6th class at our Confirmation ceremony on Thursday April 6th at 2 pm. in St. Anne’s church.  The school will remain open on the day.  Children from the choir will return to the school after the ceremony for collection

(3.15 pm. – 3.30 pm.)  More details in next newsletter.


The school will close on Friday April 7th at 12.30 pm. (infants from 12.20 pm.) and re-open on Monday, April 24th.


Now that the weather has started to improve we are having great difficulty identifying jumpers/tracksuit tops in the playground.  Please ensure that your child’s name is on all clothing.


A busy week for 6th class children as they travel to Portlaoise on Wednesday for the postponed Spar 5 a-side soccer competition and on Thursday to Athy for a tag rugby blitz.


Places still available on the course for parents of 11- 15 year olds which will commence Wednesday April 26th.  It will run for 7 weeks (5 evenings – 2 hours per evening) with a following two weeks of phone support.  If interested please contact the office.

St. Patrick’s N.S., Ballylinan R.S.E. (Relationships and Sexuality Education) Policy (Draft)

In circular 2/95 issued by the Department of Education and Science the minister requested all schools to introduce Relationship Sexuality Education (RSE) as part of the curriculum. In the 1999 curriculum RSE and Stay Safe programme were included in the Social, Personal and Health Education. The content of the school’s SPHE programme includes a wide range of topics such as healthy eating, alcohol, drugs, environmental issues, safety and social responsibility as well as RSE.

RSE is lifelong process of acquiring knowledge and understanding and of developing attitudes, beliefs and values about sexual identity, relationships and intimacy.

In a school situation RSE, provides structured opportunities for pupils to acquire a knowledge and understanding of human relationships and sexuality through processes which enable them to form values and to establish behaviours within a moral, spiritual and social framework, appropriate to their age. As St. Patrick’s N.S. is a Catholic School this moral framework will be based upon our School Ethos. RSE will also be taught in accordance with the Department’s directives and within the Philosophy framework of the school. The teaching methods used in the school are child centred and reflect the age and stage of development of each child. Sensitive issues will be dealt with appropriately.

In partnership with the home our aims are
* To provide opportunities for our pupils to learn about relationships and sexuality, imparted in a loving and caring way, within a wholesome environment.
* To help them think and act in a moral caring and responsible way.
* To learn about their own development and about their friendships and relationships with others.
* To teach children personal safety skills so they can look after themselves in situations which could be upsetting or dangerous.

The development of relationships is an integral part of all curriculum subjects. Aspects of RSE and Stay Safe are taught during SPHE, Religion, Drama, Art, English, Science, implementation of the Code of Behaviour etc. An integrative approach towards RSE and Stay Safe ensures that the children encounter RSE and Stay Safe in a holistic manner rather than in isolation.

What the School Currently Provides

Current programmes and policies in place in St. Patrick’s N.S. are
* Religious Programme
* Code of Behaviour
* Care for the environment
* Health and Safety Policy
* Child Protection Policy
* Internet Acceptable Use Policy


* To enhance the personal development, self-esteem and well-being of the child.
* To help the child to develop healthy friendships and relationships within families, in friendships and in wider contexts.
* To develop an appreciation of the dignity, uniqueness and well-being of others.
* To foster an understanding of and a healthy attitude to human sexuality and relationships in a moral, spiritual and social framework, taking into account different family patterns.
* To enable the child to acquire an understanding of and respect for human love, sexual intercourse and reproduction and to appreciate the responsibilities of parenthood and the value of family life.
* To develop and promote in the child a sense of wonder and awe at the process of birth and new life.
* To enable the child to be comfortable with his/her sexuality and of others while growing and developing.

All topics will be taught at the appropriate age.

Management and Organization

* RSE will be taught to all classes at the appropriate level throughout the school year. In a multi-class situation, extra care will be taken to ensure that all information/instruction is age appropriate. In certain instances, it may be considered beneficial to invite specialists into the school to participate in the programme. The programme will be taught according to the syllabus supplied by the Department of Education and Science.

* Relationships and sexuality education (RSE) is an integral part of Social, Personal and Health Education (SPHE) and will be taught in this context (see school SPHE Plan). The curriculum is spiral in nature (i.e. similar content is revisited at different stages throughout the child’s time at school) and all content will be delivered developmentally throughout the child’s time in the primary school. RSE-specific education (or core RSE education) will be covered in the strand units Taking Care of My Body, Growing and Changing and Safety and Protection. Parents shall have the right to withdraw their children from RSE classes.

* The acquisition of appropriate language in RSE is crucially important to enable children to communicate confidently about themselves, their sexuality and their relationships. Not being familiar with the biological terms for the body can put children at a disadvantage.

Therefore we will give children the correct and appropriate language as outlined in RSE Resource Materials as follows:

Junior Infants Senior Infants

This Is Me Look What I Can Do
Who Are You These Are My Friends
We Are Friends This Is My Family
This is My Family I Can Be Safe
People Who Teach Us about Keeping Safe Other People Have Feelings Too
We Have Feelings Caring For New Life
New Life My Body
I Grow I Grow and Change
Making Choices Making Decisions

> Term “Womb” will be taught in Junior Infants.
> Terms “Penis” and “Vagina” (urethra) will be taught as the obvious physical difference between a boy and a girl, in the contect of a visit to the doctor.
> Term “Breastfeeding” may be used in conversation as a means of feeding baby.

First Class Second Class

Things I like to do Other People are Special
My Friends Being Friends
My Family My Family
Keeping Safe Keeping Safe
Showing our Feelings Coping with Our Feelings
The Wonder of New Life The Wonder of New Life
How My Body Works When my Body needs Special Care
Growing Means Changing Growing and Changing
Decisions and their Consequences Personal Decisions

> “Penis” and “Vagina” (urethra) will be taught/revised in the context of their biological functions
> Teachers will teach that the baby is in the womb for 9 months and may be breast fed.
Third Class Fourth Class

Special Gifts Myself and Others
Sometimes Friends Fight Bullying and Behaviour
My Family My Family
Keeping Safe Reasons for Rules
Expressing Feelings Feelings and Emotions
Preparing for New Life The Wonder of New Life
Our Senses Being Clean-Keeping Healthy
As I Grow I Change Growing and Changing
Making Decisions Problem-Solving

“Umbilical cord” and “Navel” are taught in third class and menstruation is taught in fourth.

Fifth Class Sixth Class

The Person I am Me and My Aspirations
Different Kinds of Friends Different Kinds of Love
My Family Families
Keeping Safe Keeping Safe and Healthy
Feelings and Emotions Feelings and Emotions
My Body Grows and Changes Growing and Changing
The Wonder of New Life Relationships and New Life
Caring for New Life A Baby is a Miracle
Making Healthy Decisions Choices and Decision-Making

Puberty, human reproduction and sexual intercourse, in the context of a committed, loving relationship, will be taught using the language outlined in DES RSE Resource Materials for 5th/6th classes.

Certain aspects of our sexuality element of the RSE programme, in the context of a loving relationship, will be taught gender separately at the teacher’s discretion.

> Girls’ Menstruation
> Boys Puberty
> Sexual intercourse in the context of a loving relationship.
> Development of a human foetus.
> 5th and 6th class teacher may offer the children an opportunity to write questions they wish to ask on a sheet of paper. The teacher may then answer a selection of the relevant questions within the confines of the SPHD curriculum.
> We acknowledge that parents are the primary educators of their children and the school will work in a supportive role.
> On request, parents will be provided with an overview of the SPHE curriculum, including the RSE programme.
> Parents will be informed that they are welcome to view RSE materials at the school and will be notified of the RSE element prior to beginning it within the classroom.
> Should a parent wish to withdraw their child, we have an understanding that the parent provide an alternative in this area of education. It is understood that parents will state this wish in writing.
> If a child is withdrawn, the school cannot guarantee that other children will not inform the child in question of the content of the lesson from which the child was withdrawn or that the children will not refer incidentally in class to aspects of the lesson during subsequent days/weeks.

> All content within the RSE will be covered by the end of 6th class. Teachers will teach only the topics laid down for the class and curriculum content for the year. Teachers will then, at their own discretion, introduce the Question Box to ensure that age appropriate questions are answered only, as defined within the curriculum.

Ongoing Support and Development

In-service will be available to staff on an on-going basis.

Arrangement may be made for the RSE Trainers to speak to parents with a view to clarifying the material in question. These meetings will also provide parents with the opportunity of asking relevant questions. It will be the duty of the Board of Management to ensure that there will be periodic review of the Policy Statement and that any amendments as a result of such review will be undertaken.

Roles and Responsibilities.

Class teachers are responsible for the implementation of the SPHE programme in their own classes. SPHE resources are at all times available and specialised equipment can be purchases if required.
Arrangements for Policy Review

This policy will be reviewed by the Board of Management as necessary.

Ratified by Board of Management _______________________

Signed: _________________________________
Chairperson, Board of Management

NEWSLETTER 22nd March 2017


Celtic Book Fairs arrived today and we will be open for business tomorrow (Thursday).

The fair will be open daily as follows:-

Thursday, Friday, Monday, Tuesday:

1.45 pm. – 2.15 pm.

2.45 pm. – 3.15 pm.

For parents who do not need to attend the fair, books can be ordered as follows:

Use the order form attached to the newsletter.

  1. Enclose the form with the correct money in an envelope and return to the school. (Child’s name on outside).

  2. If the book is in stock your child will have it by evening. Some popular books may need to be ordered and could take a few days.


If you order a book worth €3.99 or more, please reduce the price by €1.50 as we have a supply of World Book Day tokens which will be accepted by Celtic Book Fairs (one per transaction).



NEWSLETTER 15th March 2017

FIRST PENANCE:  Congratulations to the children form 2nd class who received the sacrament of First Penance last night.  We were very proud of them all and thanks to Mrs. Kiernan and Mrs. Hurley for all their work. A special word of thanks to our Parents Association who prepared “goodie bags” and provided personalised buns for the children. It was a lovely occasion and one I am sure the children will remember.  Thanks to Mary Moore and Lynda Wilkinson Ryan for keeping everybody “topped up”.

CHOIR:  A big “thank you” to all the children who turned out in such great numbers to support 2nd class.  Thanks to Mrs. Browne and to Margaret Brennan for providing the music.

BOOK FAIR:  The biennial “Travelling Book Fair” will arrive to the school next Wednesday, March 22nd (until Tuesday March 28th).  The fair will be open from Thursday and will give parents the opportunity to purchase books suitable for their children.

SPAR 5-A-SIDE SOCCER:  Children from 6th class will travel to Portlaoise on Wednesday (March 22nd) to take part in the county stage of the F.A.I.S. run competition.



A course for parents of teenagers (11-15 years) will be run by

“Triple P” (Positive Parenting Programme) at the school over the coming weeks (beginning the week of April 23rd).   The course is also suitable for parents who may not have teenagers now but will have in the future.  It will last for 7 weeks and will mean attending for 5 evenings (2 hours per evening) with two weeks of phone support.

We need to know if there is sufficient interest.  Please sign the slip below and return to the school by 2pm tomorrow (March 16th).



I am interested in “Positive Parenting for Teens”.


Signed:  _________________________

NEWSLETTER 13th March 2017

FIRST PENANCE:  Tuesday, March 14th in St. Anne’s Church at 7pm.  Refreshments afterwards for the children and their families in the Dunne/Sourke Hall at the school.

CHOIR:  Children from the choir should arrive at the church by 6.50 pm (not too early please).  The ceremony should be over by 7.45 pm. – 8pm.

QUIZ:  Well done to the three teams who reached the final of the St. Abban’s Quiz last Thursday night.  The team of Darragh Loughman, Mikey Walsh, Conor Walsh and Alan Behan finished in joint second place.  The other children involved were Laura Mulhare, James Hovenden, Aisling Brennan, Emily Murphy and Diarmuid Downey, Eoin Dunne, Alex McDonagh and Eoin Brennan.

BORN TO MOVE:  “Is a series of classes created by and for young people.  It uses music, movement and the power of group exercise to boost your energy, increase your skills and leave you feeling amazing”.  Over the coming weeks children from all classes will have the opportunity to participate in “tester” sessions.  Thanks to Samantha Kirwan for offering her services.

ST. PATRICK’S DAY: For us celebrations begin on Thursday, March 16th with a number of activities at the school. All children should wear their school tracksuit (with or / and something green!).

School closes on Thursday at the usual times and re-opens on
Tuesday March 21st.

Friday (17th) – School closed.
Monday (20th) – School closed.

 SOCCER:  The Spar F.A.I. schools 5a side tournament begins next week with 2 boys teams and 2 girls teams travelling to Portlaoise on Wednesday, March 22nd.  The children involved are mainly from 6th Class.

SLIEVE MARGY HURLING CLUB:  Open day for under 8s, 10s, 12s and 14s Sunday March 19th at 2pm. in Ballylinan G.A.A. Clubhouse.  Celebrity hurlers in attendance.  Refreshments will be served.  All welcome.

 TIN WHISTLE: Practice for both groups on Wednesday March 15th.  No charge.