School Self-Evaluation Report 2012 -2014

1. Introduction:


A school self-evaluation of teaching and learning in St. Patrick’s N.S. was undertaken during the period 2012-2014.

During the evaluation, teaching and learning in the following areas were evaluated:

* Literacy – Comprehension
* Numeracy – A new experience for children


St. Patrick’s N.S. is a rural/village mixed primary school. There are currently 259 pupils enrolled. The school has increased in size in recent years. A new school was constructed in 2013 and classes transferred in May of that year. There are 10 mainstream class teachers, 2 learning support teachers, 1 resource teacher with additional part-time hours and an administrative principal.

2. Findings:

* Pupil standardised test results indicate that Sten scores in Micra T and Sigma T tests are above national norms. Results in these tests are often not an accurate reflection of the children’s ability.
* Children are positive and enthusiastic about reading.
(96% of children value reading).
* Children underestimate their own reading ability.
(only 60% of children see themselves as very good readers).
* There is a direct link between the number of children who do not value reading and the children who see themselves as poor readers (4%).
* children require strategies in their approach to comprehension.
* In numeracy while teachers across the school reported using a variety of methodologies it was felt that more emphasis was required in relation to “hands-on” teaching of maths.

3. Progress made on previously identified targets:

N/A (This was year one of engaging with the S.S.E. model).

4. Summary of School Self-Evaluation:


Our school has strengths in the following areas:

* Standardised test results are above national norms.
* Classrooms are appropriately laid out, well maintained and orderly.
* Pupils have access to a stimulating environment.
* Pupils at all levels are enabled to engage with their learning and the level of interest and participation is high.
* The management of pupils during learning and other activities is effective. High standards are expected and achieved.
* There is a high level of collaboration and co-operation between staff, parents are engaged and supportive.
* All staff are hard working and committed.


Areas prioritised for improvement:

* Further improvement of comprehension strategies focusing on higher order thinking during class lessons.
* Increased funding for class reading material to support differentiation.
* More collaborative approaches to be developed in the teaching of numeracy.

Zim Day Friday February 13th

Our Annual Fr O’Shea appeal for Zimbabwe will be held on Friday13th February. As in other years the day will consist of cake and jumble sales and will conclude with a monster raffle.  Tickets for the raffle will go on sale for the children to buy on Monday 9th February.  They will cost 50c each.  We are asking for toys, books and games that your children no longer use but that other children might like and be anxious to buy.  These can be brought to the school from Monday February 9th.  We are also calling on all the bakers and bun makers in Ballylinan to bake for us.  These goodies and treats are always in great demand.  We know that we can depend on your support and that our cake stall will be very well stocked.  The money raised from Zim Day will be donated to the Franciscan Missionary Union and will be used to help the children attending Assisi High School, Nharira, Chivhu, Zimbabwe, providing resources for their educational needs.