Newsletter 12th December

Christmas Carol Service
Pupils from 1st – 6th Classes will be taking part in a Carol Service in Ballylinan Church on Wednesday night, 14th December. Due to the numbers involved, we have divided the children into two groups. We have allocated 4 tickets per family and there will be a charge of €3 per ticket. Payments may be made via the Aladdin app.

You are most welcome to come and join us for just a few prayerful moments to focus on what’s most important at Christmas. Please note:

  • The first service will begin at 7 p.m. and finish around 7:30.
  • The second service will begin at 8 p.m. and finish around 8:30.
  • Pupils are to wear proper school uniform on the night. To make sure that uniforms are clean and ready, pupils may wear tracksuits tomorrow and Wednesday.
  • As children enter the church with you, please remove and hold on to their coats. This will make it easier for them to move to and from the altar.
  • If children have a Santa hat or festive headgear, they are welcome to wear them for the final two songs of the night.

While there should be room for all, seating on the night will be first come, first served.

Nativity Story
Junior and Senior Infants will be taking part in ‘Wriggly Nativity’ on Friday of this week (16th) at 12:30 p.m. in the Dunne Sourke hall.

Food Appeal
Many thanks to you all for your very generous support of our food appeal.

Important Message from the HSE

There has been a significant increase in viral infections.
Important messages for families and children:

1) The most important measure is to stay home if you are unwell.
Many children might have a runny nose or a slight cough in winter season. However, if a child is feeling unwell they should be at home. For example, they may have:
cough, and
sore throat

They should stay at home until those symptoms have finished. See

Children with symptoms are more likely to spread infections. For example, they may spread flu or bacterial infections. Staying home when unwell will help prevent spread to other children, families and staff.

2) Infection, prevention and control measures
Cover coughs and sneezes – Keep hands clean.

These measures that we all got used to with Covid-19 are still important. They should be encouraged for everyone. These measures help stop the spread of infection.

3) Vaccination
Making sure your child is up to date on all recommended vaccinations will help to stop your child getting an infection and to make them less likely to be unwell if they do get an infection.

Routine childhood vaccinations protect against many significant viral and bacterial infections. There is no vaccine against many viral illnesses or Strep A.
More information is available at

Flu vaccine

The nasal spray flu vaccine is available for children aged 2 to 17 years. It helps protect against severe infection with flu and onward spread.


Many adults are also recommended to have the flu vaccine.

More information is available at

Vaccination for Covid-19 is still available. Visit

  • If you are concerned your child may be unwell, please check There is information on coughs, colds, fever, rashes and symptoms of concern. There is advice on when to contact your GP or go to a hospital emergency department.

Newsletter 5th December

Christmas Carol Service
Pupils from 1st – 6th Classes will be taking part in a Carol Service in Ballylinan Church on the night of Wednesday, 14th of December. Due to the numbers involved, we have divided the children into two groups on the night. The service will take place at 7 and again at 8 p.m. We have allocated 4 tickets per family and there will be a charge of €3 per ticket. Payments may be made via the Aladdin app from this Wednesday 7th December. Thank you. You are most welcome to come and join us for just a few prayerful moments to focus on what’s most important at Christmas.

Wriggly Nativity
Junior & Senior Infants and 1st Class will be taking part in the ‘Wriggly Nativity’ on Friday week (16th December) at 12:30 in the Dunne/Sourke hall in the school. There will not be any tickets for this event and all are welcome.

Ballylinan N.S. Christmas Food Appeal
We are trying to help in a small way by having our food appeal this week on Wednesday 7th and Thursday 8th December. If you – or a family you know – would benefit from a hamper this year, please contact Ms. Goff: Please be advised that any enquiry will be handled discreetly and in the strictest confidence. Click to read more details.

Online Presence
We are also reviewing our online presence with a view to better communicate what goes on in the life of the school. We are considering using a social media platform such as Instagram etc. If you would like to comment or make suggestions, all views are welcome at . Thank you.

Admissions to Ballylinan N.S. 2023/24
Please note that applications for the 23/24 school year will be open from Thursday, 5th January until Friday, 3rd February 2023. Further information on how to apply will be issued in due course. If you are aware of anyone who may wish to enrol a child for next year, please let them know these dates. Thank you.

Public Health Update
The most common symptoms of COVID-19 are:
fever (temperature of 38 degrees or more), including having chills
dry cough
fatigue (tiredness)

Your child may not have all of these symptoms, they may vary. S/he may go to school with a runny nose or sneezing as long as they:
have no other symptoms
do not have a fever
are otherwise well

but if your child has a runny nose and feels unwell or is off form, they should stay at home. Thank you for your cooperation.

Advent Friends
As in previous years, each child in the school has been allocated an “advent” or “special” friend in the lead up to Christmas. We are asking that children should be particularly kind to the person without letting them know that they have been chosen. No cards or gifts are required; the pupils will make cards in school.

Christmas Holidays
The school will close for the Christmas holidays at 12:15 for Infants and 12:30 for all others on Wednesday, 21st December.

Thank you for your support as always.

Ballylinan N.S. Christmas Food Appeal

Every day in Ireland thousands of families struggle to put food on the table. This year in particular we know that there is a great pressure on people.

However, this Christmas we would like to continue to help in a small way by having a food appeal on Wednesday 7th and Thursday 8th December.

We ask the children from each class to bring in the food items listed below. It is entirely up to each family how much they would like to contribute. Every item counts.

We would particularly like to see the children themselves contributing towards the appeal. This can be achieved through the use of pocket money or taking part in the choosing and shopping for the item.

This year we are working with the following charity:
St. Vincent de Paul (Athy Branch).

The transition year students in Ardscoil na Tríondóide in Athy make hampers for families in the Athy and surrounding areas conjunction with St Vincent de Paul. Our food appeal donations will go to making up these hampers this year.

If you or a family you know would benefit from a hamper this year, please contact Ms. Goff – Please be advised that any enquiry will be handled discreetly and in the strictest of confidence.

Junior /Senior Infants :     Pasta/Noodles/rice 

First/Second Class :           Biscuits /Teabags/Coffee 

Third/Fourth Class :          Tins of any food such as beans/peas/soup

 Fifth/Sixth Class :              Cereals/Porridge/Treats: selection boxes/boxes of sweets

Sincere thanks for your ongoing support.