Newsletter 14th December 2023

Christmas Carol Service: Well done to all the children who took part in our Carol Service on Tuesday night. It was a beautiful occasion. Thank you to our Parents Association for their help on the night.

Christmas Holidays: The school will close for the Christmas holidays on Friday 22nd December, at 12:15p.m. for Infants and at 12:30p.m. for all other pupils. On this day, children are welcome to wear festive clothing to school. The school reopens on Monday 8TH January. Don’t forget that our school calendar is available to view on all year round.

Christmas Eve Mass Ballylinan 7pm: If children would like to take part in this year’s Christmas Eve Mass, please text your child’s name and age to Margaret Brennan on 086 3254931. Practice will be on Friday 22nd December at 6:30pm. Names must be in by 5pm on the day before the practice.

 Enrolment 2024/2025: Please note that applications for the 24/25 school year will be open from Thursday, 11th January until Friday, 9th February 2024. Further information on how to apply will be issued in due course. If you are aware of anyone who may wish to enrol a child for next year, please let them know these dates. Thank you.

Anti Bullying Week: Our Anti Bullying Week begins on January 8th.  During this week, we aim to empower children to understand their own behaviour, to recognise bullying, to develop an awareness of online safety risks and to be confident in how to report and seek support when they need it.

Pupils from 4th, 5th and 6th will take part in the FUSE Anti-Bullying and Online Safety Programme, supported by the Department of Education and referenced in the Cineáltas: Action Plan on Bullying. FUSE is a research-based Anti-Bullying and Online Safety Programme developed by DCU Anti-Bullying Centre. More details to follow…

 Board of Management: Our newly formed Board of Management has begun its term of office. After each meeting an “Agreed Report” of items discussed or decisions made will be published on the school website. You can view details of the most recent meeting in the Board of Management section of the site.

Thank you: As I come to the end of my first “100 days” as principal, may I take this opportunity to thank you our parents and guardians for your support and good wishes during this period. Every day is a school day in this job, but wonderful children, fantastic staff and a supportive parent body ensure that every day is both rewarding and enjoyable.

Merry Christmas: Finally, on behalf of all the team at Ballylinan NS, may I wish you and yours a very Happy Christmas and New Year.


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Newsletter 4th December 2023

Newsletter 4th December 2023

Ballylinan National School Christmas Food Appeal: Our Annual Food Appeal took place last week and we would like to sincerely thank you all for your generous donations. Many thanks to Ms. Goff who co-ordinated the appeal, in conjunction with the Transition Year pupils of Ardscoil na Tríonóide and St. Vincent de Paul.

Advent Friends: As in previous years, each child in the school will soon be allocated an “Advent” or “special” friend in the lead up to Christmas. We are asking that children should be particularly kind to the person without letting them know that they have been chosen. The children will make a card for their Advent/Special friend closer to Christmas. With this in mind, we would ask that no Christmas cards are sent in to school from home to be distributed by the children. 

Birthday invitations: A gentle reminder that birthday party invitations should be distributed outside of school. We appreciate your understanding on this matter.

Christmas Carol Service: Our Christmas Carol Service takes place in St. Anne’s Church, Ballylinan, on the night of Tuesday, 12th of December. In a change to previous years, our Junior and Senior Infants will also take part in our Carol Service this year.

As before, due to the numbers involved, we will have two services on the night and have therefore divided the children into two groups. One service will take place at 7p.m. and the other at 8p.m. Your child will be informed of their service time tomorrow, Tuesday 5th December.

We have allocated 3 tickets per family and there will be a charge of €5 per ticket, or up to a maximum of €12 for 3 tickets. Payments may be made via the Aladdin app from this Wednesday 6th December.

Children are asked to wear their uniform for the Carol Service. To facilitate this, all children may wear their school tracksuit to school next Monday 11th and Tuesday 12th December. Children are also asked to bring along a Santa hat/Christmas hairband on the night, which they can wear at the end of the Carol Service.

Christmas Holidays: The school will close for the Christmas holidays on Friday 22nd December, at 12:15p.m. for Infants and at 12:30p.m. for all other pupils. On this day, children are welcome to wear festive clothing to school.

Thank you for your continued support of our school.

Newsletter 24th November 2023

Newsletter 24th November

Cumann na mBunscol Final: Congratulations to our boys team who were victorious in their Shield Final V The Heath in O’Moore Park yesterday. The boys represented our school exceptionally, both on and off the field. Well done boys, we are very proud of you.

Thank you to our football coaches Mrs Donnelly, Ms Lacey, Mr Sweeney & Mr Curry and to all the teachers “back at base” who go over and above to facilitate our participation in Cuman ns mBunscol. Thank you also to Ballylinan GAA, who work with many of our players throughout the year at club level. Finally, thank you to all the supporters who travelled to O’Moore Park yesterday. Your presence was greatly appreciated.

Nut Allergies: Please be mindful that we have children with serious allergies to nuts in our school. We ask you as parents and guardians to be particularly vigilant and please do not send nuts of any kind to school.

Parent Association AGM: Thank you to all who attended Monday’s AGM. It is fantastic to see so many of you interested in strengthening the relationship between home and school. Thank you to Mary McCann who has accepted the role of chairperson for the year ahead. Eva Julian will take on the role of secretary and Alison Walsh and Sarah Owens will share the role of treasurer.

Ballylinan National School Christmas Food Appeal: Our Annual Food Appeal takes place next week on Monday 27th and Tuesday 28th November.

We completely understand the pressure on families at this time of year. If you are in a position to contribute, we would ask you to choose from the food items listed below. We would particularly like to see the children themselves contributing towards the appeal. This could be achieved through the use of pocket money or by helping to choose or shop for the items.

This year, our donations will be used by the transition year students in Ardscoil na Tríonóide in Athy, in conjunction with St Vincent de Paul, to make hampers for families in need, in the Athy and surrounding areas.

If you or a family you know would benefit from a hamper this year, please contact your local St Vincent de Paul branch or Ms Goff – in confidence.

Junior & Senior Infants: Pasta/Noodles/Rice

First & Second Class: Biscuits /Teabags/Coffee

Third & Fourth Class: Tinned food eg beans/peas/soup

Fifth & Sixth Class: Cereals/Porridge/Treats – selection boxes/boxes of sweets

Thank you for your continued support of our school.

Newsletter 15th November

Newsletter 15th November

Peace Proms: 4th, 5th and 6th classes travel to SETU in Waterford tomorrow, Thursday to participate in the Peace Proms workshop. Buses depart the school at 10am and estimated return time is 4:15pm. Classes have been busy practising all week and we’re really looking forward to the concert in March.

Board of Management: Thanks to so many of you who took the time to nominate and vote for candidates in our recent BOM elections. Thank you to all the parents who agreed to go forward, it is fantastic to have so many willing to give their time in support of our school. Aisling Kelly and PJ Leonard were successful on this occasion.

Chicken Pox: We have been advised of two cases of Chicken Pox in the junior end of the school. Please be vigilant.

Parent / Teacher Meetings: Will take place on the afternoons of Tuesday 21st and Wednesday 22nd November. Parents / guardians who have not yet booked their slot are asked to do as soon as possible via the Aladdin App.

Cumann na mBunscol: Our boys team play their Shield Final V The Heath at 3pm on Thursday 23rd November at O’Moore Park. More details to follow.

Parent Association AGM: Will take place at 7:30pm on Monday November 20th. I am a firm believer in the importance of building positive relationships between school and home and the Parent Association is the ideal structure through which we can achieve this. I appreciate how busy family life can be but I encourage all families to consider attending this meeting and I look forward to seeing you there.

Christmas Carol Service:  Our school Christmas Carol Service will take place on Tuesday 12th December at St Anne’s Church Ballylinan. Children from Junior and Senior infants will also take part this year. There will be no Junior and Senior Infant Nativity Performance this year. It will take place every second year moving forward. More details on the Carol Service to follow.

Thank you for your continued support of our school.