School Reopening (Update 20th August)

Arrival & Departure*
School will reopen for all pupils on Thursday, 27th August.
Morning arrival times are being extended.

Your child may arrive at any time between 9:00 and 9:30.
Collection times will be as normal.
We strongly recommend that parents use face coverings. We must all play our part.

More details will follow.

Coming Inside
The children will not assemble on the yard. On arrival they will enter the building through their designated entrance, sanitise hands on entering and go straight to their classrooms.
They will be supervised at each stage.
Once in their classroom, they will be in their ‘bubble’.
They will stay safe in this bubble (inside and outside) until they go home.

In General
Do not send your child to school if you think they are sick.
If you or your child have any common symptoms of COVID-19, you should self-isolate and phone your GP straight away to get a test.
Uniforms are to be worn as normal.
There is no advice to schools to the contrary. It may be helpful to take them off when your child gets home and to wash and air them as often as possible.
Homework has been paused for the month of September.
This to reduce transfer of materials between home and school. We intend to introduce homework as time goes on.
P.E. will take place outside.
Risk is lower outdoors and lessons can take place as weather allows.

*Different arrangements will apply for Junior Infants for the first two days. These parents will receive separate communication on Friday 21st with more details.

We are in this together. Our safe behaviour helps children from spreading the virus and your safe behaviour helps the school to open and stay open. There will be more updates next week. Thank you for your cooperation.

You must follow public health advice.

School Reopening (Update 19th August)

Dear Parents,

We are working hard on procedures that aim to keep us all safe from the virus while keeping things as normal as possible and minimising the impact on your daily routines. More detailed information on our plans will be published on this website tomorrow. In the meantime I wish to ask two things of you:

  1. We are a community and we are in this together. In school, our safe behaviour helps to reduce the risk of spreading the virus through the children to the adults that they have close contact with. Your safe behaviour means the school can reopen and stay open. It is very important that you follow public health advice.
  2. We have the task of organising the safe return to school of almost three hundred people each day. We ask you to show patience, understanding and courtesy particularly for the first few days while we all get used to our new ways of doing things.

With the great community spirit and positive attitude of so many of you, we are expecting that your child’s return to school will go well.

More details to follow. Thank you all.


School Reopening (Update 13th August)

Dear Parents,

We will be taking a calm, cautious and common-sense approach to our reopening. The main thing you need to know right now is that school will run mostly as normal but with some important changes. These will be kept to a minimum and we will let you know when the time is right.

Because our advice keeps being updated, we don’t want to give you information now only to have to change it and cause confusion.

We anticipate very little or no change to opening and closing times.

There can be speculation about schools on social media; this is unhelpful. Please ignore it. This website will always have the most up-to-date information directly related to our school.

We will begin to issue details for you next week. In the meantime, if there is an exceptional issue relating to your child or family situation of which we need to be aware, you are welcome to email us with any concerns.

The restrictions announced recently for Laois, Kildare and Offaly have not changed our plans. We are on course to reopen for all pupils on the 27th. I’m hopeful that once we are up and running, we will be able to settle into our new routines quite quickly.

It’s important that we all follow public health advice so that our schools can reopen and stay open.

We can’t wait to see all of our pupils again!
