Mo Theachín Beag Deas

Dán á léamh ag Ruby agus Davin…

Mo Theachín Beag Deas

Tá teachín beag deas
Ar an mbóthar úd theas.
Agus crainn ina thimpeall
Is fothain is teas.

Is níl áit sa domhain
Arbh fhearr lion bheith ann,
Ná sa teachín beag cluthar
Ansiúd ‘measc na gcrann.

Ní mór é le rá
Mar níl sé ró-bhreá,
Ná fairsing istigh ann
Ná leathan ná ard.

Ach leis sin go léir,
Níl pálás faoin spéir
Ab fhearr liom ná tusa,
Mo theachín beag féin.

Micheál Mac Donnchadha

Newsletter 11th November 2020

Contact email Addresses
We are conscious that contact between school and home is more difficult with Covid restrictions in place. Here’s a reminder of our contact details.

Is Your Child in 5th Class?
Please remember to contact secondary schools well in advance to ensure that you are fully up to date with their enrolment procedures and what’s required of you.

Táimid ag déanamh iarracht níos mó Gaeilge a úsáid i rith an lae. We’re trying to use a little more Irish during the day. Tá na páistí ag déanamh sár-iarracht.  The pupils are making a great effort. Bainigí triail as!  Éistigí linn:

Healthy Lunches
We encourage the eating of healthy lunches. We ask you not send sweets, crisps (and similar snacks), chocolate, fizzy or energy drinks to school please. We also ask you to think carefully about the quantity of food as children may feel they need to finish everything; that is not always the case.Please remember…

Christmas Appeal
While it won’t be a ‘normal’ Christmas this year, we will do what we can to celebrate the season. We will be holding our food appeal as we have done in previous years with some changes due to Covid restrictions. Details to follow.

HSE Advice Updated
Thank you all again for your caution and attention to health matters. If you’re wondering whether you should keep your child at home or not during the pandemic, see this link to the latest HSE advice.

Newsletter 22nd October 2020

Thank You
A big thank you to our parents for being cautious and very responsible in relation to the virus since we reopened at the end of August. Lots of you have kept us informed or rang us for advice on what you should do. We really appreciate this and while we may not always have a black and white answer or may have to point you to medical advice, by being open and honest with us you are protecting us all. Increasing virus levels in the community will inevitably feed through to schools so we must all take as much care as we can. Please continue to follow public health advice at ALL times.

Book Collection
A reminder that this was just a precaution; we are expecting to reopen on Monday, 2nd November after the break next week.

Our Support
We are very conscious that some of our parents have had their business closed or their workplace significantly affected. All we can say is that you have our support and to let you know that we will do everything we can to keep the school up and running and make life as normal as possible for your child. These times will pass and – though they may seem far away at present – there are brighter days ahead. They can’t come soon enough!

Home-School Communication
We have reached Halloween with school going reasonably smoothly considering the restrictions that are being placed upon all of us. The children are coping well and we are working as best we can given the circumstances. Naturally it is more difficult than in previous years for us to be in touch with each other. Do remember that if you need a word with your child’s teacher you can ring the school and we will get back to you. Email addresses for each teacher will be issued after mid-term and you will be free to use these also. You may continue to submit explanations for absences through the Aladdin app.

Is Your Child in 5th Class?
Please remember to contact secondary schools well in advance to ensure that your child can be enrolled in good time.

Táimid ag déanamh iarracht níos mó Gaeilge a úsáid i rith an lae. We’re trying to use a little more Irish during the day. Éist le na páistí thíos. Listen to the children here. If you click on the ‘Gaeilge’ tag underneath, you can hear more. Good to see some getting the message!

We will be dressing up for Halloween tomorrow! Remember also that Junior and Senior Infants are to be collected at 12:15 and all other children at 12:30. Thank you for your support as always.