NEWSLETTER 15th March 2017

FIRST PENANCE:  Congratulations to the children form 2nd class who received the sacrament of First Penance last night.  We were very proud of them all and thanks to Mrs. Kiernan and Mrs. Hurley for all their work. A special word of thanks to our Parents Association who prepared “goodie bags” and provided personalised buns for the children. It was a lovely occasion and one I am sure the children will remember.  Thanks to Mary Moore and Lynda Wilkinson Ryan for keeping everybody “topped up”.

CHOIR:  A big “thank you” to all the children who turned out in such great numbers to support 2nd class.  Thanks to Mrs. Browne and to Margaret Brennan for providing the music.

BOOK FAIR:  The biennial “Travelling Book Fair” will arrive to the school next Wednesday, March 22nd (until Tuesday March 28th).  The fair will be open from Thursday and will give parents the opportunity to purchase books suitable for their children.

SPAR 5-A-SIDE SOCCER:  Children from 6th class will travel to Portlaoise on Wednesday (March 22nd) to take part in the county stage of the F.A.I.S. run competition.



A course for parents of teenagers (11-15 years) will be run by

“Triple P” (Positive Parenting Programme) at the school over the coming weeks (beginning the week of April 23rd).   The course is also suitable for parents who may not have teenagers now but will have in the future.  It will last for 7 weeks and will mean attending for 5 evenings (2 hours per evening) with two weeks of phone support.

We need to know if there is sufficient interest.  Please sign the slip below and return to the school by 2pm tomorrow (March 16th).



I am interested in “Positive Parenting for Teens”.


Signed:  _________________________

NEWSLETTER 13th March 2017

FIRST PENANCE:  Tuesday, March 14th in St. Anne’s Church at 7pm.  Refreshments afterwards for the children and their families in the Dunne/Sourke Hall at the school.

CHOIR:  Children from the choir should arrive at the church by 6.50 pm (not too early please).  The ceremony should be over by 7.45 pm. – 8pm.

QUIZ:  Well done to the three teams who reached the final of the St. Abban’s Quiz last Thursday night.  The team of Darragh Loughman, Mikey Walsh, Conor Walsh and Alan Behan finished in joint second place.  The other children involved were Laura Mulhare, James Hovenden, Aisling Brennan, Emily Murphy and Diarmuid Downey, Eoin Dunne, Alex McDonagh and Eoin Brennan.

BORN TO MOVE:  “Is a series of classes created by and for young people.  It uses music, movement and the power of group exercise to boost your energy, increase your skills and leave you feeling amazing”.  Over the coming weeks children from all classes will have the opportunity to participate in “tester” sessions.  Thanks to Samantha Kirwan for offering her services.

ST. PATRICK’S DAY: For us celebrations begin on Thursday, March 16th with a number of activities at the school. All children should wear their school tracksuit (with or / and something green!).

School closes on Thursday at the usual times and re-opens on
Tuesday March 21st.

Friday (17th) – School closed.
Monday (20th) – School closed.

 SOCCER:  The Spar F.A.I. schools 5a side tournament begins next week with 2 boys teams and 2 girls teams travelling to Portlaoise on Wednesday, March 22nd.  The children involved are mainly from 6th Class.

SLIEVE MARGY HURLING CLUB:  Open day for under 8s, 10s, 12s and 14s Sunday March 19th at 2pm. in Ballylinan G.A.A. Clubhouse.  Celebrity hurlers in attendance.  Refreshments will be served.  All welcome.

 TIN WHISTLE: Practice for both groups on Wednesday March 15th.  No charge.

NEWSLETTER 6th March 2017


Mass for candidates and their parents tomorrow (Tuesday) in Killeen Church at 7.30 pm.


The final will be held in Killeen Hall on Thursday, March 9th at 8 pm. (cost €2).  We have 3 teams participating and we wish them all the best of luck.


Tuesday, March 14th in St. Anne’s Church at 7pm.  Refreshments afterwards (courtesy of our Parents Association) in the Dunne Sourke Hall at the school for the 2nd class children and their families.


We have had a wonderful and generous response from the children in 4th, 5th and 6th classes (and their parents) and we are very grateful.


School closes on Thursday March 16th at the usual times and re-opens on Tuesday, March 21st.


No homework club this Wednesday 8th due to staff meeting or next Thursday (March 16th).


NEWSLETTER 28th February 2017

CHOIR:  This is the time of year when we ask children to “give something back” and make themselves available to support their fellow pupils through participation in the school choir.  We have three ceremonies over the coming months (see below) and we ask parents to commit that their children will attend on those dates.  The forms went home yesterday (Monday).

First Penance:   Tuesday, March 14th @ 7 pm.

Confirmation:      Thursday, April 6th @ 2 pm.

First Eucharist:  Saturday, May 20th @ 11.30 am. (time to be confirmed).

FIRST PENANCE / EUCHARIST:  Children baptised outside the parish should provide the school with a copy of their baptismal cert.

CYCLING COURSE:  Children from 4th class had their first cycle safety training session yesterday.  There are 6 sessions in all and the feedback is very positive.

HOMEWORK CLUB:  No homework club next Wednesday (March 8th) due to staff meeting.

ZIM DAY:  Well done to everyone for a fantastic day on Friday 17th.  Ms. Cotter would like to thank children, staff, parents, grandparents and friends for their generosity and hard work.  A special word of thanks to Ms. Kiernan, Mrs. Hurley and their classes for their very hard work and for being such great shopkeepers.  The day raised a record €2,200.  This money will be put to very good use at Assisi High School in Zimbabwe.

ENGINEERS WEEK:  Children from 3rd class will travel to the Dunamaise Theatre on Friday, March 10th for a science workshop called “Bubbleology”!  The workshop is free.  Bus €3.

G.A.A. REGISTRATION DAY:  Registration of players (Juvenile / senior) for the coming year takes place this Sunday March 5th in the Clubhouse 2 pm. – 5 pm.

SOCCER: Congratulations to everyone involved in St. Anne’s U12 boys team who recently won the Division 2 League!!