NEWSLETTER 10th May 2017

Mr. John Threadgold has been appointed to the post of Principal and will take over after the summer holidays.  Mr. Threadgold was principal of Newtown N.S. before taking up his current position in Leighlinbridge, Co. Carlow.

The ceremony will be held on Saturday, May 20th at 11.30 am. in St. Anne’s Church.

The children who volunteered for the choir this year have been very loyal and we are asking for a full attendance on Saturday week.

We had a wonderful “showcase event” last Thursday hosted by 5th Class.  Children prepared food from their book “A Taste of Ballyllinan” and sampled a variety of goodies such as “Sheila Walsh’s Brown Bread”, “Hovenden’s Heavenley Pavlova”, “Tom’s Eton Mess”, “Craven’s Cupcakes” and many more.

Special guests were Ms. Cotter and Marian Heaney who acted as “dragons” as part of the process.  At the end of the tasting the Junior Entrepreneur flag was raised (photos on website)

Get together for Fran Moloney – Friday 23rd June.  More details to follow.

ABBK CFR is a Community First Responders Group representing the areas of Arles, Ballylinan, Barrowhouse and Killeen.  How does the CFR work?  If a call is placed for a cardiac ambulance in the area, the CFR will be notified.  The person on duty will attend and assist until the ambulance arrives.  Full training will be provided.  If you are interested in becoming a CFR or assisting with fundraising, please come to our next meeting on Thursday 25th May in Ballylinan G.A.A. clubhouse at 8.30 pm or contact Deirdre Murphy – 087 2545821.

NEWSLETTER 4th May 2017

5th Class will showcase their work tomorrow (Friday) to mark the end of the Junior Entrepreneur Programme for this year.  It has been a wonderful experience for all involved and thanks to Ms. Hayden for all her work over the past few months.  As part of the occasion we will raise the J.E.P.  flag which was presented to the group.  Kilkenny people will be very happy with the colours!

Congratulations to the St. Anne’s U.12 team and their mentors who completed the cup and league double by winning a very dramatic cup final after a penalty shoot-out against Crettyard on Monday.

To help fund the various events organised by the association throughout the year a sponsored walk will be held at the school on Tuesday, May 30th.  The walk is for children and will be held on school grounds during school time.  Each family will receive a sponsorship card and we ask people to be as generous as possible.

A meeting for parents of children starting school in September will be held on Tuesday May 23rd at 2.15 pm. at the school.

The children will come together to meet teachers on Wednesday May 31st from 1.30 – 2.30 pm.  A speaker from Positive Parenting Partnership will provide a workshop for parents during this time.

Some dates have yet to be confirmed but tours will go ahead towards the end of June.

All classes will participate in a gymnastics programme in June.

On Monday each child from 1st – 6th class will bring home a travel questionnaire.  We ask that parents fill it in (one per child – sorry for the duplication) and return it to the school by Friday 13th.  It will take only a few minutes of your time to complete.  Thank you for your co-operation.

NEWSLETTER 25th April 2017


Congratulations to Ms. Hayden and the children from 5th class on the fantastic work they have done as part of the Young Entrepreneur Programme.  They have produced a beautiful publication which began as an idea and progressed through all the business stages to where they are today.  Please read on…

5th class presents…. ‘A Taste pf Ballylinan’ – over the last 12 weeks, 5th class have  been taking part in the Junior Entrepreneur Programme.  This has resulted in the first ever Ballylinan recipe book!  We have produced a receipe book that includes all our favourite recipes.  This book is conveniently divided into 3 distinct sections – main courses, desserts and healthy options.  The book will be on sale outside the office at 2pm and 3pm everyday from today, Tuesday 25th April.


Lessons begin for Ms. Goff’s Class from tomorrow (Wednesday) in Athy.


Graduation ceremony for 6th class will be held on Wednesday June 28th at 7.30 pm.


Monday May 1st:            Bank Holiday

Tuesday May 2nd:          Holiday

School re-opens on Wednesday May 3rd.

1ST CLASS:  Ireland Eye Study – Envelope attached.  Please return signed document to the school as soon as possible.


See flyer attached.


Thanks to Samantha Kirwan who introduced the programme to all classes in recent weeks.  It was great success and hopefully will be back in the future.  In the meantime it is available at Portlaoise Leisure Centre.


Course begins tomorrow night Wednesday 26th from 7 pm – 9 pm in the school. All welcome!


NEWSLETTER 4th April 2017

CONFIRMATION:  We wish Mrs. Connolly and her class well for Thursday and hope that the sun shines!  The candidates will not attend school on the day and the ceremony begins at 2pm.

CHOIR:  As it is a normal school day the choir will leave from the school at 1.15 and they will be back for collection between 3.15 and 3.30 pm.  School tracksuits please and perhaps some extra lunch.

Eye Health Study (children in 1st class):  Our school has been chosen to take part in a national eye health study.  The benefits to you include a free eye test for your child.  We would encourage all children in 1st class to participate, so please read the attached document.  Permission packs will be distributed after the Easter holidays. All 1st class children will receive an information letter today.

Easter Holidays: School closes this Friday (7th) at 12.30 and re-opens on Monday April 24th.  (infants available from 12.20).

SAFETY:  As this will be a very busy time please use the overflow car parking in the Junior Play area.

 RETIREMENT:  As you may know by now I plan to retire at the end of the school year.  I have many people to thank for a long and very happy career in Ballylinan and will hopefully have the opportunity to do that in the months ahead.

BOOK FAIR:  Well done to everyone who helped in any way with our recent book fair and “thank you” for your generosity!  €2,125.00 was spent purchasing books for children and this will mean up to €1,275 worth of books will be provided for the class libraries.

TIN WHISTLE:  No tin whistle this week.

HOMEWORK CLUB:  No Homework Club this Thursday 6th.


BALLYLINAN G.A.A. CLUB:  Juvenile Football Training (starts this Friday April 7th).

Friday – (6.45-7.45):

U6              (Boys and Girls)

U8              Boys

U 10           Boys

Monday – (6.30 – 7.30):

U8 & U10 Girls

(Gum shields required.  Available from Murphy’s).