NEWSLETTER 20th June 2017


 Your child’s report will be posted today.  The envelope will include:-

  1. Report

  2. 2017/2018 Book List

  3. Receipt for voluntary contribution 16/17

  4. Book rental/school payment envelope.

Your child’s report is an official document, please keep it safely.

 STANDARDISED TESTS (see attached – 1st – 6th Class):

Please note that the test is not an “exam” and it is unfair to make direct comparisons.  Teachers gather information about your child’s learning all the time and this is part of the process.  It is an indication of your child’s achievement in English (reading) and Maths.  Read the last paragraph of the leaflet carefully.


Junior/Senior Infants:      Mrs. Kavanagh

Junior/Senior Infants:      Ms. Twomey

1st Class:                            Ms. Cunningham

1st/2nd Class:                     Ms. Brennan

2nd Class:                             Ms. Farrell

3rd Class:                             Ms. Goff

3rd/4th Class:                       To be confirmed

4th Class:                             Ms. Hogan

5th Class:                            Ms. Hayden

6th Class:                             Mrs. Hurley

6th Class:                             Mrs. Julian

Learning Support/Resource: 

  1. Connolly, 2. Ms. Curran,  3. Ms. Cotter,  4. Mrs. Browne,

  2. To be confirmed.

When you receive your child’s booklist (with reports) you will know his/her class for the next year.

REMINDER:  School closes on Friday June 23rd at 12.30 pm.  (infants available from 12.20 pm).

NEWSLETTER 15th June 2017


 Monday June 19th:
Junior/Senior Infants (from Mrs. Kavanagh, Ms. Twomey and Ms. Goff)

 Monday June 26th:
1st Class (Ms. Goff & Ms. Brennan)

Tuesday June 27th:
2nd – 6th classes (Ms. Kiernan, Mrs. Hurley, Mrs. Julian, Ms. Cunningham, Ms. Hayden, Mrs. Connolly) – Full details will be sent by class teachers.

Good luck to our past pupils who are sitting state exams at the moment.

A booklet produced by Laois County Council is being sent home today which you may find useful.
Super Troopers Camp at the school from July 3rd – July 7th, 10 am – 2 pm daily.

Following a very successful Junior Entrepreneur Programme, each child in 5th class has received their share of the overall profit of €1,040.

Each student has received €20 each, and as a group they have decided to donate the remaining €240 to the Irish Cancer Society.

Last orders now being taken.  Orders will be taken by phone if you know the size you need – 059 8625195.






Mr. Fran Moloney’s Retirement Get Together

Mr. Fran Moloney’s Retirement Get Together

Friday 23rd June 2017

 Mass – 5 pm in St. Anne’s Church

 Refreshments after Mass in the school.

 All welcome.

 This is our opportunity to express our thanks to

Mr. Moloney and to wish him well in his retirement.

Michael  Sourke,

Chairperson, Board of Management