NEWSLETTER 16th February 2017

ZIM DAY – FRIDAY FEBRUARY 17TH  Our annual fundraiser takes place tomorrow, Friday.  Thank you to everybody for your very generous donations of toys/books and games during the week.

  • People have been wonderful in the past for providing cakes and buns on the day, so we are asking again !! Please label containers/lids so they can be returned to you.
  • On the day there is great value to be had so children only need a small amount of money.
  • Please get your children to bring carrier bags for their purchases.
  • Remember that all proceeds go to help the children attending Assisi High School, Nharira, Chivhu, Zimbabwe, providing resources for their educational needs.

 MID-TERM:  A reminder that the school will close next Wednesday at the usual times and re-open on Monday February 27th.

HOMEWORK CLUB:  Next Monday 20th and Tuesday 21st only.

TIN WHISTLE:  Both groups next Wednesday 22nd after school.

ST. ABBAN’S QUIZ: Good luck to the boys and girls from 5th and 6th class who will travel to Killeen Hall tonight (Thursday) as they try to retain the Fr. Kennedy Cup after last years great success.

ENROLMENT 2017:  As we plan for next September, please make sure you have enrolled your child for the coming year.

SCHOOL OPENING:  On these cold mornings a reminder that the school building is open from 9am.  Children should not be arriving before that time.

PAST PUPILS:  Some past pupils in the news at the moment are – Josh McDonald (Leinster U15 60m sprint champion 2017), Lochlan Kelleher and Michéal Downey who have both been chosen for the Laois U14 football panel.  Well done to all concerned.


Grandparents Mass:  Thanks to everyone involved in our Grandparents Mass last Thursday.  It has now become one of the highlights of the year.  A special word of thanks to Rob O’Brien and Paddy Ryan who “braved the elements” for the afternoon to keep the traffic moving.

Ceremony of Light (6th Class):  Mass tonight (Tuesday) in St. Anne’s Church at 7.30 pm.  Parents are asked to bring their child’s baptismal candle if possible.

Allergies:  We now have a number of children in school with serious allergies, some of which can be life threatening.  Please be aware when preparing lunches of the food products to be avoided in particular classes.


Ms. Twomey (Jnrs/Snrs):                Nuts.

Ms. Brennan (1st):                             Nuts.

Ms. Kiernan (2nd):                             Nuts/Kiwi.

Cycle Training:  This year cycle training is being offered to 4th class (Mrs. Julian’s and Ms. Cunningham).  It will begin on February 27th (6 sessions) over a six week period and all equipment will be provided.  It is heavily subsidised by Laois County Council, Cycling Ireland and the Road Safety Authority.  The cost will be €2 per child per week. 10 @10:  All primary schools have been asked to join in the 10 @ 10 sessions being promoted by Operation Transformation, so we will all be getting active this Friday!

Zim Day – Friday 17th February:  Our Annual Fr O’Shea appeal for Zimbabwe will be held on Friday 17th February. As in other years the day will consist of cake and jumble sales and will conclude with a monster raffle.  Tickets for the raffle will go on sale for the children to buy on Monday 13th February.  They will cost 50c each.  We are asking for toys, books and games that your children no longer use but that other children might like and be anxious to buy.  These can be brought to the school from Monday 13th February.  We are also calling on all the bakers and bun makers in Ballylinan to bake for us.  These goodies and treats are always in great demand.  We know that we can depend on your support and that our cake stall will be very well stocked.  The money raised from Zim Day will be donated to the Franciscan Missionary Union and will be used to help the children attending Assisi High School, Nharira, Chivhu, Zimbabwe, providing resources for their educational needs.

Ballylinan Ladies Football:  A.G.M. Friday February 10th in the Clubhouse @ 8 pm.


Enrolment 2017 / 18:Parents who have already given their child’s name to the school will receive an enrolment form this week.  Please return the form to the school by next Monday February 6th.  If your child is due to start school in September please contact the school office -(059 86 25195).

Panto:  Following discussions with the people involved it has been decided (reluctantly) to let the “curtain fall” on our annual Panto.  Since 2004 Ann Sourke and Bernie Dunne in conjunction mainly with the 6th class teacher of the day produced 13 Pantos giving hundreds of children the opportunity to experience performing on stage.  The children benefited greatly and have memories which will last a lifetime.  We will express our gratitude publicly to Ann and Bernie at the Grandparents Mass on Thursday next.

Catholic Schools Week/Grandparents Mass:   Mass will be celebrated on Thursday (February 2nd) in the school assembly hall at 1.30 p.m.  Children collected by and adult will be able to leave after the Mass.  Our Parents Association will provide light refreshments for grandparents/adults and the school playground (junior and senior) will be open for parking from 1pm.  We would ask for full co-operation with stewards to ensure free movement of traffic.  Please drive slowly at all times on school grounds.

Homework Club:   No club on Thursday.

School Book Fair: March 22nd – March 29th.  More details later.


School Vaccination Programme 16/17: The H.S.E. team will visit the school next Monday January 30th for all Junior Infants.  Parents have been offered specific appointments up to 1pm.

Staff Changes:   Ms. Cunningham is out on sick leave at the moment and Ms. Sukprasert has moved to 4th/5th class to replace her.  Mrs. Keegan has joined us and will take over in Learning Support/Resource.

Calendars:   Last opportunity to pick up a calendar – only a few left.

Panto/DVD:   The DVDs arrived and have been distributed.  A few were ordered without payment and can be collected from the office.

Catholic Schools Week – Jan 30th – Feb 3rd:   The highlight of the week for us is our Grandparents Mass (including parents!) which will be celebrated on Wednesday 1st or Thursday 2nd Feb at 1.30 pm (to be confirmed).  Children will be able to leave immediately after the mass if collected.