Newsletter 6th Sept. 2017

Book Rental/School Contribution (Costs)
Thanks to everyone who has paid. Through the book rental scheme we try to keep costs as low as possible. The benefit to families is often greater in the senior classes. As previously explained the school contribution pays for the services provided for your children such as materials for art/science, assessment tests, photocopying, 24 hour personal accident insurance, etc. As we have to pay many of these costs in advance we would appreciate payment as soon as possible please.

Book Grant
Families who qualify for the “Back to School Clothing Allowance” are also eligible for the book grant.  Please let us know.

School Tracksuits
Tracksuits ordered during the summer are now overdue for collection.

Cumann na mBunscol Football League
Competitions begin next week, we will let the children know the fixtures as soon as we have them!

Girls U12 Football
Very hard luck to Ballylinan girls who lost by the narrowest of margins to Graiguecullen last week. They were naturally disappointed but there will be other opportunities in the future!

A reminder to parents that the junior playground is open for parking after school (3pm).

Healthy Lunch
As part of our policy we are asking that parents do not send sweets, crisps (and similar snacks), chocolate, fizzy or energy drinks to school please. We would also ask you to be careful about the quantity of food sent in as children may feel they need to finish everything and that is not always the case.

Homework Club (1st to 6th Class)
Starts back Monday September 11th.

Tin Whistle
Starts back next week. Details to follow.

Swimming starts this week (and next) for 1st and 2nd Classes. Please see details from class teachers.

Positive Parenting Programme
Triple P programme courses are free and are available to parents with children aged 2-15 years of age, living in Laois. Triple P helps you to

  • raise happy, confident children,
  • encourage behaviour you like,
  • manage misbehaviour so everyone in the family enjoys life more,
  • set rules and routines that everyone respects and
  • take care of yourself as a parent.

For further information, phone (090) 64 47111 or email . Their autumn schedule is now available.




Newsletter 30th August 2017

Welcome back to everyone and a special word of welcome to our new Junior Infants and children who have joined us up through the school. Please note the following:

Arrival Time
9:15 a.m. for all children.
(For the first two weeks Junior Infants go directly to their classroom via the back middle door).

Departure Times
• Junior Infants finish at 12.30 p.m. each day (up to and including Tuesday September 12th). Parents wait at the junior play area.
• Senior Infants finish at 2 p.m. as usual. All other classes finish at 3 p.m.
• The overflow car park at the junior play area will be open at 3 p.m. each day.
• A reminder that parking outside the main gate is only on the left side of the road facing away from the school.

School Tracksuits
Tracksuits ordered during the summer are ready for collection and payment.

Book Rental/School Expenses
Please use the envelope provided with the school report (one envelope per child please). This will help us to provide receipts and keep an accurate record of payments.

Staff News
Welcome to Ms. C. Hogan, Mrs. B. Kiernan and Ms. S. Farrell who have been appointed in a permanent capacity during the summer.

Congratulations to Ms. T. Farrell on her engagement over the summer!

Attendance & Punctuality
It is important to use the ‘Record of Absence’ notes towards the back of the Student Journal if your child has been absent or is going to be absent from school. This is the best way to inform your child’s teacher who needs to know the reason for any absence. Please ensure that your child is on time for school in the mornings and if s/he needs to leave early do let us know in advance . Thank you for your cooperation.

Mobile Phones
These should not be necessary for primary school children. In exceptional circumstances if they need to be brought, they must be turned off and handed to the class teacher in the morning.

Medical Issues
If your child has any allergies, uses an inhaler or there any other medical issues, please ensure that we have been made aware. If you are in any doubt, please let us know.

Classes 2017/18
Jnr. & Snr. Infants   Mrs. Kavanagh (Room 6)
Jnr. & Snr. Infants   Ms. Twomey (Room 5)
1st Class   Ms. Cunningham (Room 4)
1st & 2nd Class   Ms. Brennan (Room 2)
2nd Class   Ms. T. Farrell (Room 1)
3rd Class   Ms. Goff (Room 7)
3rd & 4th Class   Mrs. Kiernan (Room 8)
4th Class   Ms. Hogan (Room 9)
5th Class   Ms. Hayden (Room 10)
6th Class   Mrs. Julian (Room 11)
6th Class   Mrs. Hurley (Room 12)

Special Education Team

Ms. Cotter
Mrs. Curran
Mrs. Browne
Mrs. Connolly
Ms. S. Farrell

Thank You
To so many people in the school community who have made me feel very welcome since my arrival in Ballylinan. Along with the dedicated staff of the school, I look forward to working with with you to help all our children to learn, grow and journey together.

John Threadgold, Principal