Newsletter 15th November 2017

Parent-Teacher Meetings
The meetings will be held over 2 days, Tuesday 28th & Thursday 30th November. In an effort to reduce waiting time for parents we will continue with the system that we introduced last year.  Every parent will be allocated specific times for their children which will make it possible to meet a number of teachers (if necessary) in one visit. Parents will receive a separate note informing them of all the details they require. It is very important that parents arrive on time for their appointment.

(Parents of Mrs. Sukprasert’s 6th Class are reminded that meetings for this class will be held after Christmas.) Details to follow.

Homework Club
There will be no homework club on the days of the above meetings (November 28th & 30th).

Parents Association AGM
This meeting will take place on Monday 27th November at 7:30 pm in the school. Your support for this meeting would be much appreciated.

Confirmation Meeting 
A meeting for parents of children due to receive Confirmation next March will be held in the school on Monday next, November 20th at 8 pm.

Staff News
Ms. Tara Sukprasert will be teaching 6th Class for Mrs. Julian’s maternity leave and Ms. Eleanor Lacey for Ms. Hayden’s. Congratulations to Mrs. Julian and her husband David on the recent birth of her daughter!

Attendance & Punctuality
It is important to use the ‘Record of Absence’ notes towards the back of the Student Journal if your child has been absent or is going to be absent from school. This is the best way to inform your child’s teacher who needs to know the reason for any absence. Please ensure that your child is on time for school in the mornings and if s/he needs to leave early do let us know in advance . Thank you for your cooperation.

Newsletter 7th November 2017

Parent-Teacher Meetings
These are an important chance to have a chat with your child’s teacher about his/her progress. They will be held on the afternoons of Tuesday 28th and Thursday 30th November. (Parents of Mrs. Sukprasert’s 6th Class please note that meetings for this class will be held after Christmas.) Details to follow.

Communion and Confirmation 2018
Apologies for the delay with this news:
Confirmation                        Saturday, 3rd March
First Communion               Saturday, 26th May
Both ceremonies will begin at 11:30 a.m.

Parents Meeting (First Communion)
There will be a meeting for parents in the hall next Monday night at 8 o’clock in the school hall.

 Football News
Our boys played in the Cumann na mBunscol Roinn 3 final against Clonaghadoo just before Halloween. Despite a great second half performance they lost an exciting and competitive match by 4-8 to 3-5. The lads were naturally disappointed but should be proud of the way they played against an excellent team. I spoke to them afterwards about how proud they should be not only of their performances this year but – more importantly – of how they conducted themselves on the day. They were a credit to themselves, their families and their school. Really good footballers and even better sportsmen. Beidh lá eile agaibh lads!

Go Raibh Maith Agaibh!
A huge thank you to Ballylinan GAA for all their help and support of activities in the school. We’re great partners and long may it continue!

Aistear Programme for Infants
Our Infant Classes will soon be starting the Aistear programme. Aistear is an initiative for learning through play. Many resources will be required to implement it correctly. We will want to collect a variety of toys and other resources in good condition for use within the programme. Please note that we will not be asking for new toys but items that you may have at home that are no longer required. Please do not send in anything yet but do keep an eye out for what can be donated. Further details to follow soon.

Important – School Closure
Remember that all teachers are required to attend inservice so school will be closed for pupils next Tuesday, 14th November.

Newsletter 23rd October 2017

Football News
Our boys will play in this year’s Cumann na mBunscol Roinn 3 final against Clonaghadoo. The match will be played this Wednesday 25th in O’Moore Park with throw-in at 12:30. All 6th Class (boys and girls) will travel to the match by bus. Because we’ll be treating them to refreshments afterwards, 6th Class probably won’t be back at the school till 3:30 on the day. If you wish to travel separately, you’re welcome to come and support us. Admission will be adults €4, OAPs and students €3, children free. If you wish to bring a child from school, please let the teacher know in advance. The boys have played really well this year whatever the result, though naturally we’d like to finish with a win. Best of luck lads!

Aistear Programme for Infants
Our Infant Classes will soon be starting the Aistear programme. Aistear is an initiative for learning through play. Many resources will be required to implement it correctly. We will want to collect a variety of toys and other resources in good condition for use within the programme. Please note that we will not be asking for new toys but items that you may have at home that are no longer required. Please do not send in anything yet but do keep an eye out for what can be donated. Further details to follow after Halloween.

 Voluntary Envelope Collection
The envelope collection is our main means of fundraising and allows us to provide better facilities, equipment and services for your children. The envelopes are being sent home every week with the oldest child in each family. You are reminded that your contribution is voluntary and confidential and you will be issued with a receipt at the end of the year. Your support is much appreciated.

We are “dressing up” for Halloween again this year this Friday October 27th. As in previous years we are asking for a contribution of €2 per child or €3 per family.  Any funds raised will go to the Parents Association. No masks please and no “one piece” costumes for infants!!

Lost Property
Remember that we have amassed a collection of school jumpers, jackets, scarves, tracksuit tops etc. Please come and see if your lost property is here before we donate it.

Change of Contact Details?
A reminder to please make sure we have up-to-date contact details for you. This is important, particularly if we need to contact you in an emergency. If there has been a change, please ring us at 059 – 862 5195.

Community News
There will be a tribute concert for Angela and John Joe Brennan on Friday, 3rd November at 8 pm in St. Anne’s Hall, Ballylinan. Tickets €5. Please phone Margaret 086 – 325 4931.

Attendance & Punctuality
Your child’s attendance at school is vital to their education. It is important to use the ‘Record of Absence’ notes towards the back of the Student Journal if your child has been absent or is going to be absent from school. This is the best way to inform your child’s teacher who needs to know the reason for any absence. Please ensure that your child is on time for school in the mornings and if s/he needs to leave early do let us know in advance . Thank you for your cooperation.

School Closures
Remember that school closes on Friday October 27th at the usual times and re-opens on Monday November 6th. Remember too that all teachers are required to attend inservice so school will be closed for pupils on Tuesday, 14th November.

Thank You
Thank you once again for the big welcome I have received since my arrival in Ballylinan. I also particularly want to thank the staff of the school for being so great to work with, on my own behalf but more importantly on behalf of your children

School Closed

School will remain closed again tomorrow (Tuesday 17th) as instructed by the Dept. of Education. Apologies, but this decision is out of our control.