Aistear Wish List

Our Aistear Wish List (for Infant Classes)

  1. Small world toys: toy houses and buildings (doll houses and furniture, farm sets etc), miniature figures (lego men, plastic people, little toy people), farm animals, jungle animals, miniature cars and vehicles (fire brigades, ambulances, planes, trucks etc), car and town mats, miniature road signs.
  2. Construction toys: lego, building blocks (all sorts and sizes), stickle bricks, toy tools, hi-vis vests, hart hats, old torches, toy work bench

  3. Role-play toys: toy kitchen, toy kitchen equipment, dolls, doll clothes and accessories (buggy, changing mats, cot etc), toy iron and ironing board, top brush and pan, toy hoover, toy food

  4. Play shop, post office, school etc: shopping trolley, baskets, cash register, plastic money, purses, envelopes, cards, blackboard, easels etc

  5. Play doctors, dentist, vets, opticians equipment

  6. Real household equipment: clean and in good condition but electrical items do not need to be working; phones, toasters, kettles, cameras, pots, utensils
  7. Dress up: costumes, hats, masks, etc
  8. Containers: large and small plastic containers with lids
  9. Other: Beanbags, cushions, sandpit, sheets, puppets, unwanted clean fabric, wall paper rolls, old table cloths, toy musical instruments, play tents, clipboards and stationery, styrofoam, microphone

Newsletter 10th January 2018

Happy New Year
We hope that you had a good Christmas break and wish everyone in our school community all the best for 2018.

Tin Whistle
Continues as usual this week; Thursday for beginners and Friday for all others.

Homework Club
Homework club resumes this week as normal.

6th Class begin swimming in Athy this week (Wednesday) for eight weeks.

Parent-Teacher Meetings
These meetings for Ms. Sukprasert’s class will take place on Tuesday 23rd & Thursday 25th January. Details to follow.

School Calendar
There are still a few on sale in Centra, price €7. Thanks to all who supported our calendar by placing an advertisement for their business.

Ballylinan N.S. Food Appeal
Sincere thanks to all who contributed to the Heart to Hand charity appeal in the run-in to Christmas. Our donations were very welcome and were distributed to shelters and soup kitchens and homes for distressed families.

Staff News
Welcome to Ms. Buggy who has taken over from Ms. Kiernan who is now on maternity leave. Congratulations to mother and baby boy who are both doing well!

Catholic Schools Week  (Jan 29th – Feb 2nd)
The highlight of the week for us will be our Grandparents Mass (including parents!) which will be celebrated on Wednesday 1st Feb at 1.30 pm (details to follow).  Children will be able to leave immediately after the mass if collected.

When we returned after the holidays we were very saddened to hear of the untimely death of Alimsah Bin Gani – father of three children in our school – who passed away just before Christmas. He had been ill for some time. We have expressed our sincere condolences to his family and will be thinking of them in our prayers.

Newsletter 14th December 2017

 Nativity Story
All classes gathered in the hall today to sing carols related to the nativity story. Thanks to Margaret Brennan for all her help and well done to the children for their singing. Why not take a moment from your busy schedule to bring your child into the church before or during Christmas? It can be an oasis of peace in a very busy (and commercial) world.

 No Presents Needed
While teachers like to receive presents at Christmas and children like to give them there is absolutely no need and no one should feel under any pressure in this regard. Working that little bit better in school would be a great present though, a gift that would keep on giving not only to the receiver but also to the giver! 

School Closure
Although people realised how dangerous surfaces were, we really appreciate how frustrating it can be for everybody when a school has to close at short notice such as happened last Monday. If we make a decision to close the night before at least people know where they stand, but sometimes the closure can turn out to be unnecessary. Sometimes it is a decision that can only be made on the morning. We became aware that not every parent received the first text sent at 8:05 that morning. The same text was sent again 15 minutes later but some people didn’t receive it for another hour. This is very unsatisfactory and was out of our control. The school website was updated at 8:05 that morning and that will be the case if you are in any doubt: . Thank you for your understanding.

 Laois County Council
We have been informed that it is Council policy that their gritting machines do not grit roads leading to schools. Perhaps exceptions could be made if a school is only a few hundred metres from a main road as in our case. We would encourage you to make your thoughts known to local councillors because this could be a real problem during cold winters.

 Homework Club
Homework club will finish for this term today Thursday 14th December. Happy Christmas and see you all again in the New Year!

School Calendar
Will soon be on sale at the school office and Centra, price €7. This is a nice keepsake and looking back at previous calendars it is interesting to note how much the children have changed over the years. Thanks to everyone who supported our calendar by placing an advertisement for their business.

 Christmas Eve Mass in Ballylinan (6pm)
Parents who would like to have their children involved in the 6pm Christmas Eve Mass are asked to text the following info to 086 3254931 before 5pm on Saturday 16th December:
Parent’s Name & Phone Number
Children’s Names and Ages
Practice takes place on Friday 22nd from 7pm – 7.45pm.

Ballylinan N.S. Food Appeal
Donations will be collected by the Hand to Heart charity tomorrow (Friday 15th) morning. I asked the children today to think about ‘what they are giving’ for Christmas. This is a small opportunity to give something. Many thanks to those who made a donation.

Happy Christmas
Before things get too hectic I would like to take this opportunity to wish everybody associated with the school – but especially you the parents – a very happy and peaceful Christmas. We occasionally become aware of some particularly difficult family circumstances and will be keeping you in our prayers, particularly at this time.

The school will close for the Christmas holidays at 12:20 for Infants and 12:30 for all others on Friday 22nd December. The children don’t have to wear their uniform on that day; they may wear something ‘Christmassy’ if they wish. We will re-open on Monday, 8th January 2018. Other planned closures are detailed on the school website.

Thank you for your support as always.

John Threadgold









Weather Update

Conditions have been improved in the vicinity of the school and unless you hear otherwise, we should be OK to open tomorrow.