Newsletter 6th March 2019

These will be held on Wednesday 13th March for Junior Infants.

Football News
Football for girls u/8 and u/10s (St. Brigid’s) on Thursday nights 6:30 – 7:30.
Football for boys (Ballylinan GAA) on Friday nights  u/7s,9s from 6:30 – 7:30.
Boys u/11s on Monday evenings. All welcome.

St. Brigid’s Ladies GFC
Do you need to make more space in your wardrobe?  Do you want to spring clean in time for the spring/summer season?  Well we’re here to help!  We are having a clothing collection to raise money for our club.  We would love to take all your old clothes, shoes and handbags. Drop off will take place in Ballyllinan G.A.A. Clubhouse on Friday 8thMarch  between 7pm and 9pm and on Saturday 9thMarch between 12pm and 2pm.  Enquiries: contact Mags at 087 – 979 3317.

Zim Day (Thursday 14th March)
Our Annual Fr O’Shea appeal for Zimbabwe has a new look this year.  It will be confined to a cake sale and monster raffle and will be held next week on Thursday 14th March. Tickets for the raffle will be on sale in classrooms from this Friday 8th March. They will cost 50c each. We are calling on all the bakers and bun makers in Ballylinan to bake for us! These goodies and treats are always in great demand.  As some pupils in the school have nut allergies, please make sure that your delicious baking is nut free. We know that we can depend on your support and that our cake stall will be very well stocked! Great bargains can be had at our cake stall, so children only need a small amount of money. The money raised from Zim Day will be donated to the Franciscan Missionary Union and will be used to provide educational resources for the children attending Assisi High School, Nharira, Zimbabwe.

School Closure
Please note that the school will be closed for pupils on Friday, 15thMarch (the day following Zim Day) to facilitate the introduction of the revised language curriculum as required by the Department of Education.

St. Patrick’s Weekend
Please also note that the school will be closed on Monday, 18thand Tuesday 19thMarch.


Newsletter 27th February 2019

Quiz Season
Very well done to our teams who qualified for the final of the St. Abban’s Quiz which is due to be held on Wednesday 13th March in Killeen Hall at 8 pm. This week the Cumann na mBunscol quiz takes place, with stiff competition from schools all over Laois. We will be represented by Caitlin Brennan, Hannah Dunne, Finn Hughes and Laura Walsh. If you meet them, ask them a question (presuming you know the answer)!

Football News
Football for girls u/8 and u/10s (St. Brigid’s) on Thursday nights 6:30 – 7:30.
Football for boys (Ballylinan GAA) on Friday nights  u/5s,7s,9s from 6:30 – 7:30.
Boys u/11s starting Monday 4th March. All welcome.

St. Brigid’s Ladies GFC
Do you need to make more space in your wardrobe?  Do you want to spring clean in time for the spring/summer season?  Well we’re here to help!  We are having a clothing collection to raise money for our club.  We would love to take all your old clothes, shoes and handbags. Drop off will take place in Ballyllinan G.A.A. Clubhouse on Friday 8thMarch  between 7pm and 9pm and on Saturday 9thMarch between 12pm and 2pm.  Enquiries: contact Mags at 087 – 979 3317.

Staff News
Our condolences to Mrs. Kavanagh on the recent death of her father, John Murphy. May he rest in peace.

Zim Day (Thursday 14th March)
Our new look Zim Day will be held on Thursday 14th March. It will consist of a monster cake sale and raffle. Tickets for the raffle will go on sale on Thursday 7th March priced at 50c each. There will be at least one winner in each class. We are calling on all bakers to provide us with delicious cakes, buns and treats for our cake sale. We know we can depend on your support. All money raised will go to Assisi High School, Nharia, Zimbabwe.

School Closure
Please note that the school will be closed for pupils on Friday, 15th March (the day following Zim Day) to facilitate the introduction of the revised language curriculum as required by the Department of Education.

Enrolment 2018/19
Last call for next year. If you have not returned the form you received or know of someone wishing to enrol, please contact the school immediately. Thank you.


Newsletter 13th February 2019

Homework Club
Continues as usual though please note the following: no homework club today Wednesday (13thFebruary). Next week: Monday and Tuesday only, there will be none on Wednesday 20th.

Tin Whistle
As normal this week, both groups on Wednesdaynext week.

Quiz Season
We are sending lots of teams to the St. Abban’s table quiz in Killeen hall tonight (Wednesday 13th) at 8 p.m. Best of luck to all involved; we hope they learn lots and have fun!

Enrolment 2019/20
Parents who have already given their child’s name to the school should have received an enrolment form. If you know of anyone else considering enrolment for next year, please ask them to contact the school immediately as we need to finalise our preparations. Thank you.

Grandparents Mass
Thanks to everyone involved in our recent Grandparents Mass and to the Parents Association for providing refreshments. It was a lovely occasion as always and it’s wonderful to see the strong bond between the school and the wider community in Ballylinan.

Cycle Safety
4thClass will be atking part in a cycle safety course after mid-term; they will learn lots of ways to help them to be safer cyclists!

Garda Dog Unit
The children (and the adults!) were excited recently to have a visit from two dogs and their handlers from the Garda dog unit. These amazing animals help in crime detection, policing and safety. They were informed of the school rules beforehand and followed the letter of the law. Model behaviour!

Parish News
Please note that gifts for First Communion and Confirmation are available in the parish shop.

Frásaí na Seachtaine
An bhfuil sibh in ann na frásaí seo a thuiscint? Cuirigí ceist ar na bpáistí!
Míle buíochas
An bhfuil cead agam?
Tá (níl) mé préachta leis an bhfuacht

Mid Term
School will be closed on Thursday and Friday next week (21st& 22nd) for the mid term break. Normal closing times (2 pm and 3 pm) on Wednesday 20th.

Newsletter 30th January 2019

School Calendar
All have now been sold. Thanks to all who supported our calendar by placing an advertisement for their business and to you all for your support.

Catholic Schools Week  (Jan 28th – Feb 1st)
A reminder that Grandparents Mass (including parents!) will be celebrated on Friday 1stFebruary at 1.30 St. Anne’s Church. Pupils will be able to leave after the mass if collected from the school. The Parents Association are kindly providing refreshments afterwards and are looking for volunteers to help out. If you can help out please ring the school office and let us know. Thank you.

Frásaí na Seachtaine
An bhfuil sibh in ann na frásaí seo a thuiscint? Cuirigí ceist ar na bpáistí!
Bí cúramach
Tóg go bog é
Buíochas le Dia
Go bhfoire Dia orainn!  (for older children)

FREE Triple P Parenting Programme
For Parents of Children 2-10yrs
Triple P gives you tips and strategies to make family life less stressful with children, giving good understanding of positive parenting with plenty of ideas to make parenting easier.
The Triple P Group Programmetakes 7 weeks. Each session lasts 2 hrs. After 4 weekly sessions, you have 2 weeks to practice Triple P at home with support phone calls. Booking is essential. Visit or call Deirdre 086 – 027 4837 or Sinead 086 – 821 5102.

During winter there tends to be more cars at the school in the mornings and evenings. We remind you of the need to be patient and considerate to ensure safe and convenient parking for all. If you are using the ‘overflow’ car park to the rear of the school in the evenings, please drive slowly and be vigilant. Please note that staff area spaces are reserved for staff only. Thank you.

Community News
Congratulations to St. Anne’s AFC boys who recently won the Carlow & District Under 12s League Division 1, beating significant opposition to win the title. Well done lads!

Enrolment 2019/20
Parents who have already given their child’s name to the school should now have received an enrolment form. Note that you will need a copy of your child’s birth certificate. Please return the form promptly because we need to prepare for next year. If your child (or if you know of a child) is due to start school in September and you haven’t already let us know, please contact the school office immediately at 059 – 862 5195.

Newsletter 22nd January 2019

School Calendar
The last few are on sale, price €8. Thanks to all who supported our calendar by placing an advertisement for their business.

Catholic Schools Week  (Jan 28th – Feb 1st)
A reminder that Grandparents Mass (including parents!) will be celebrated on Friday 1stFebruary at 1.30 p.m. in St. Anne’s Church. Pupils will be able to leave after the mass if collected from the school. The Parents Association are kindly providing refreshments afterwards and are looking for volunteers to help out. If you can help out please ring the school office and let us know. Thank you.

Homework Club
There will be no homework club on Wednesday week (30thJanuary).

Opening Hours
A reminder re. the existing situation: the school opens to receive pupils each day at 9:15 a.m. As has been the case up to now, no responsibility is accepted by the Board of Management for pupils arriving before 9 a.m. Classes end each day at 3 p.m. (2 p.m. for Junior & Senior Infants). If a child is finishing at that time and being collected, parents should make their own arrangements for this and the person collecting them should be at the school not later than 3 p.m. (2 p.m. for Infants). The Board cannot accept responsibility for the children after that time. On the rare occasion where the person collecting has been unavoidably delayed, please let us know. Thank you for your cooperation and for your patience with regard to parking at the school.

Ballylinan Panto Group
Proudly presents “Little Red Riding Hood” in St. Anne’s Hall on 25thand 26thJanuary at 8 p.m. and 27thJanuary at 5 p.m. Adults €10 and children €5. Bookings 083 – 353 5022.

Frásaí na Seachtaine
An bhfuil sibh in ann na frásaí seo a thuiscint? Cuirigí ceist ar na bpáistí!
Más é do thoil é
An bhfuil cead agam?
Bí cúramach
Tóg go bog é

Enrolment 2019/20
Parents who have already given their child’s name to the school will receive an enrolment form in the next couple of weeks. Note that you will need a copy of your child’s birth certificate. Please return the form promptly because we need to prepare for next year. If your child (or if you know of a child) is due to start school in September and you haven’t already let us know, please contact the school office immediately at 059 – 862 5195.

Thank you for your support as always.