Newsletter 9th April 2019

Book Fair
Well done to everyone who helped in any way with our recent book fair and thank you for your generosity!  €2,151 was spent purchasing books for children and this will mean up to €1,290 worth of books will be provided for the class libraries.

Well done to the children who made their Confirmation last week. It was a lovely ceremony and we hope you had an enjoyable family day. Thanks to all who helped in the preparation of the children and to the choir for their lovely singing. First Communion will be on Saturday, 25thMay.

Park/Ratheniska-Timahoe training on Sunday mornings at 11:30 for U7s, U9s and U11s. New members welcome. Contact Frank Shanahan or the school for more information.

Frásaí na Seachtaine
An bhfuil sibh in ann na frásaí seo a thuiscint? Cuirigí ceist ar na bpáistí!
An bhfuil tú réidh? (Tá mé/níl mé)
Go bhfoire Dia orainn / Le cúnamh Dé
Cáisc shona duit / Beannachtaí na Cásca ort

Apologies again for the disruption last week after the break-in. Quantities of cash are not stored in the school and nothing was taken. If you have any hard or soft information please contact the Gardaí at 059 – 862 5112.

It’s a good time to ensure that your child’s name is on all clothing. We can have some difficulty identifying jumpers/tracksuit tops in the playground. Please check now! We have some lost property; please ask at the office.

Easter Holidays
Remember school closes this Friday, 12thApril for the Easter holidays (12:20 for Infants and 12:30 for all others). We reopen on Monday, 29thApril.

Happy Easter to all and thank you for your support as always.



Newsletter 27th March 2019

Book Fair
The biennial Book Fair will be open for business from tomorrow Thursday 28thMarch until next Tuesday April 2nd. The fair will open as follows:
Thursday, Friday, Monday, Tuesday:
1:45 pm – 2:15 pm
2:45 pm – 3:15 pm
For parents who can’t make it in person, books can be ordered through the office.
If the book is in stock, your child will have it by evening. Some popular books may need to be ordered and could take a few days.

Bishop Denis Nulty will confirm children from 6thClass at our Confirmation ceremony on Thursday April 4that 11 a.m. in St. Anne’s church. The school will remain open as normal on the day. Confirmation candidates will not attend school on the day. Children from the choir will return to the school after the ceremony and school will close at the usual times.

Cycle Safety
4thClass are taking part in their cycle safety course, learning lots of ways to help them to be safer cyclists!

School Uniform
A reminder that it has been decided that we will change to wearing a white T-shirt with the tracksuit from now on. Yellow T-shirts are being phased out, but may still be worn. As these need to be replaced, please do so with white ones. Please note that the school uniform (tracksuit) requires plain bottoms (no logos), not leggings. Thank you.

We remind you of the need to be patient and considerate to ensure safe and convenient parking for all. If you are using the ‘overflow’ car park to the rear of the school in the evenings, please drive slowly and be vigilant. Please note that staff area spaces are reserved for staff only. Thank you.



Newsletter 21st March 2019

 Book Fair
The biennial “Travelling Book Fair” will arrive at the school next week. The fair will be open from Thursday 28th March until the following Tuesday April 2nd and will give parents the opportunity to purchase books suitable for their children. Please see enclosed leaflet.

Zim Day
Our Annual Fr. O’Shea appeal was held last week and was a great success. A grand total of €1,820 was collected and is winging its way to Zimbabwe to help those in need. Míle buíochas díbh go léir as ucht na cácaí agus na borróga blasta!

Quiz Season
Congratulations to Maddison Day, Seán McHugh, Hannah Dunne and Caitlin Brennan who were runners up in a keenly fought St. Abban’s Table Quiz recently. Maith sibh go léir!

FAI 5-a-side Soccer
6thClass will be providing the teams for soccer blitzes in Portlaoise next week on Wednesday 27thand Thursday 28th.

Frásaí na Seachtaine
An bhfuil sibh in ann na frásaí seo a thuiscint? Cuirigí ceist ar na bpáistí!
Tá sé/sí as láthair
Lá Fhéile Pádraig
Tá tuirse an somhain orm!
Maith an cailín / maith an buachaill!

Bishop Denis Nulty will confirm children from 6thClass at our Confirmation ceremony on Thursday April 4that 11 a.m. in St. Anne’s church. The school will remain open as normal on the day. Children from the choir will return to the school after the ceremony and school will close at the usual times.

Newsletter 13th March 2019

Book Fair
Advance notice: our biannual book fair will take place in a couple of weeks. Details to follow.

First Penance
Congratulations to those children who received the sacrament of First Penance last Monday night.  We were very proud of them all and thanks to Mrs. Donnelly and Ms. Goff for all their work. A special word of thanks to the teachers who helped on the night and to our Parents Association who prepared ‘goodie bags’ for the children and refreshments for everyone.

Football News
Well done to Knockbeg Under 16s who beat Killorglin last Saturday in the All Ireland Schools Division A semi-final. Past pupils Jesse McEvoy and Micheál Downey were on the team. Final March 30th.

Zim Day (Thursday 14th March)
Our Annual Fr. O’Shea appeal for Zimbabwe cake sale and monster raffle and will be held tomorrow (Thursday 14thMarch). We are calling on all the bakers and bun makers in Ballylinan to bake for us! These goodies and treats are always in great demand. As some pupils in the school have nut allergies, please make sure that your delicious baking is nut free. We know that we can depend on your support and that our cake stall will be very well stocked! Please ensure that your containers and lids are labelledwith child’s name and room number. Please give your child a bag or container to bring home their purchases. The money raised will be donated to the Franciscan Missionary Union and will be used to provide educational resources for the children attending Assisi High School, Nharira, Zimbabwe.

Quiz Season
Our school will be represented tonight at the final of the St. Abban’s annual Table Quiz by Maddison Day, Seán McHugh, Hannah Dunne and Caitlin Brennan. Best of luck!

Thank You
A big thanks to Tadhg Kelleher, Peter Barry and Frank Shanahan for providing our ongoing rugby, hurling and football coaching, we really appreciate it. We think particularly at this time of Liam Brennan who helped with hurling coaching in the school and we were all asaddened to hear of his passing. His warm and friendly presence will be truly missed. May he rest in peace.

School Closure
Please note that the school will be closed for pupils this Friday, 15thMarch to facilitate the introduction of the revised language curriculum as required by the Department of Education.

St. Patrick’s Weekend
Please also note that the school will be closed next week on Monday, 18th and Tuesday 19th March.