Newsletter 26th June 2019

Teachers 2019/20
Junior Infants                       Mrs.        M. Kavanagh
Senior Infants                       Ms.          S. Twomey
Snr. Infants / 1stClass       Ms.          L. Cunningham
2ndClass                                   Ms.          F. Brennan
2nd/ 3rdClass                         Ms.          T. Donnelly
3rd/ 4thClass                          Ms.          M.E. Goff
4thClass                                    Ms.          C. Hogan
5thClass                                    to be confirmed
5th/ 6thClass                          Ms.          E. Julian  (Ms. E. Lacey)
6thClass                                    Mrs.        A. Hurley  (Mrs. T. Sukprasert)

Special Education Teachers
Mrs.        C. Browne
Mrs.        P. Connolly
Ms.          C. Cotter
Ms.          G. Curran
Ms.          E. Hayden & Ms. B. Kiernan  (job sharing)
Mrs.        S. Moriarty

School Uniform Reminder
Green jumper/cardigan, white shirt, grey trousers/skirt/pinafore.

School tracksuit is available through the school and is to be worn with a white polo shirt on P.E. days only. Replacement navy legs (plain only) may be purchased in any shop.

In warm weather, plain navy shorts of an appropriate length may be worn.

We recommend practical footwear, preferably in a dark colour.

Community News
Ballylinan GAA Club are organising a clothes collection. Bags of clothing can be dropped off at the clubhouse during juvenile training on Friday 28th June or Friday 5th July. Alternatively contact Walter 087 – 973 6244 to arrange collection.

Summer Arrangements
Remember school closes on Friday, 28thJune for the summer holidays (12:20 for Infants and 12:30 for all others). We reopen for all pupils on Thursday, 29th August.

End of Year
As we approach the end of another year I would like to thank all those who help to keep the school running so well, including those who volunteer their time and efforts in many ways, members of the Board of Management and the Parents Association. I especially want to thank the staff for their hard work and for all the dedication and the exceptional care and attention that they give to your children. I hope that during the summer you all find some time for yourselves to rest and relax.

John Threadgold

Newsletter 20th June 2019

Emergency Medicine Day
We would like to thank Clare Julian, the staff of the Midland Regional Hospital Portlaoise and the paramedics who came to the school on the day and helped us to learn lots! It was really enjoyable despite the serious subject matter.

Super Troopers Summer Camp
Fun-filled activity camp will take place from Monday – Friday (1st– 5th) July.

School Outings Season
6thClass travelled to Glendalough recently for their retreat. We had a peaceful day in beautiful surroundings! Infants had their tour last week and other classes are looking forward to theirs in the coming days.

Voluntary Envelope Collection
The envelope collection is our main means of fundraising and allows us to provide better facilities, equipment and services for your children. Thank you all for your contributions during the year.

6thClass Graduation
Graduation ceremony for 6th Class will be held in the Dunne Sourke Hall next Wednesday, June 26that 7.30 pm. We would like to take this opportunity to wish each and every one of our departing pupils well for the rest of their schooldays and the rest of their lives.

End of Year Reports
Your child’s report will be posted tomorrow. The envelope will include:
School Report 2018/19
Leaflet with explanation of standardised tests (1st– 6thclasses)
Please note that the test is not an examination and it is unfair to make direct comparisons. Teachers gather information about your child’s learning all the time and this is part of the process. It is an indication of your child’s achievement in English (reading) and Maths. Please read the last paragraph of the leaflet carefully.
2019/2020 Book List
Receipt for voluntary contribution 18/19
Book rental/school payment envelope.
Your child’s report is an official document, please keep it safely.

Community News
The Youth Club will be finishing for summer break next week, so if any new children wish to join next September there will be some spaces available.  Children must be aged 12-15 yrs. If anyone is interested in becoming a volunteer in the Ballylinan Youth Club can you please contact Rebecca at 087 – 415 5161.

School Uniform Reminder
Green jumper/cardigan, white shirt, grey trousers/skirt/pinafore.
School tracksuit is available through the school and is to be worn with a white polo shirt on P.E. days only. Replacement navy legs (plain only) may be purchased in any shop.
In warm weather, plain navy shorts of an appropriate length may be worn.
We recommend practical footwear, preferably in a dark colour.

Any overdue orders please contact the school immediately.

Summer Arrangements
School will close for summer holidays on Friday, 28thJune (half-day) and reopen for all pupils on Thursday, 29thAugust.

Newsletter 13th June 2019

To help fund the introduction of ‘Literacy Lift Off’, a sponsored ‘Dance-a-thon’ will be held in the school on Monday, June 24th. We’re hoping to have a lot of fun during the day! Each family will receive a sponsorship card and we ask people to be as generous as possible. Thank you!

 First Communion
Congratulations to the children in 2nd Class (and their teachers Mrs. Donnelly and Ms. Goff) on making their First Communion recently. The weather was kind and and we hope that everyone had a lovely family day. A big thank you also to those who sang in the choir on the day and their teacher Mrs. Browne who was presented with a ‘thank you’ for her work with the choir over the years.

Emergency Medicine Day
This was a great success and the children learned lots! A big thank you to all involved in organising and presenting on the day.

Junior Infants 2019/20
A “get to know you” session for our incoming Junior Infants was held recently. While the session was in progress Sinéad Higgins from Midland Area Parenting Partnership spoke about positive parenting. Thanks to parents for coming, all went smoothly so we are well prepared for the coming school year!

All children are receiving some gymnastics coaching at the moment. Great fun is being had and lots of learning is taking place!

Super Troopers Summer Camp
Fun-filled activity camp will take place from Monday – Friday (1st– 5th) July.

Orders now being taken for September via the school office. Closing date for orders is tomorrow, Friday, 14th June. Please note that you can phone your order (see number below).

Voluntary Envelope Collection
The envelope collection was our main means of fundraising this year and allows us to provide better facilities, equipment and services for your children. Your contribution was voluntary and confidential and receipts for the year will issue before the end of the year. Thank you!

For Your Diary
Graduation ceremony for 6th class will be held on Wednesday June 26th at 7.30 pm.

Upcoming Dates
School will close for summer on Friday, 28thJune (half-day) and will reopen for all pupils on Thursday, 29thAugust.

Newsletter 21st May 2019

Junior Infants 2019/20
A “get to know you” session for new children will take place on Tuesday, 28thMay from 1:00 – 1:45 p.m. While the session is in progress a speaker from Midland Area Parenting Partnership will speak about ‘Positive Parenting’.

First Communion
Our best wishes go to the children in 2nd Class and their teachers for Saturday. We hope that everyone has a lovely family day and that the weather will be kind.

The choir should be in the church at 11.15 on Saturday please and the ceremony should be over by 12.30.

Workshop for Parents – Supporting Transitions from Primary to Post-Primary School
Venue:                     Laois Education Centre
Dates:                      Wednesday 22nd May 2019
Time:                        8pm – 9.30pm
Facilitator:           Margaret Joyce, National Parents Council Facilitator

To book a place on this presentation, please contact Yvonne at (057) 8672402 or email

It’s a good time to ensure that your child’s name is on all clothing. We can have great difficulty identifying jumpers/tracksuit tops in the playground. Please check now!

Emergency Medicine Day
Some of the pupils will get a chance next week (Monday 27th) to view an ambulance and talk to professionals who work in emergency medicine. The visit to the school is part of a promotion by the HSE to educate children with the aim of familiarising them with what’s involved and hopefully making it a little less daunting if – heaven forbid – they need emergency treatment. The HSE will be promoting the visit on social media.

Tin Whistle
Will be on Thursday this week for both groups.

Super Troopers Summer Camp
Fun-filled activity camp will take place from Monday – Friday (1st– 5th) July. Details to follow.

Orders now being taken for September via the school office on or before Friday, 14th June.
Please note that you can phone your order (see number below).

Voluntary Envelope Collection
The envelope collection is our main means of fundraising and allows us to provide better facilities, equipment and services for your children. The envelopes have been sent home every Tuesday with the oldest child in each family. Next week’s envelope will be the last one for this year. Your contribution is voluntary and confidential and receipts for this year will issue in due course. Thank you!

Parking at the School
Thank you for parking in an orderly fashion at the school. Please remember that the drop-off area is only for that purpose; no double parking in that area is allowed because then children have to walk between cars which can be dangerous. Allow plenty of time if at all possible!

Upcoming Dates
School will be closed for polling day on Friday, 24thMay. First Communion will be on Saturday, 25thMay. Please remember that the school will be closed for the first week in June (Mon. 3rd– Fri. 7th), hopefully with some decent weather in store. School will close for summer on Friday, 28thJune (half-day) and will reopen for all pupils on Thursday, 29thAugust.

Newsletter 1st May 2019

Football News
St. Brigid’s Ladies Football Club are putting together a strategic plan for the club and want your opinion. Club meeting on Tuesday, 7thMay in the clubhouse in Ballylinan at 8 p.m. for all interested. “Your opinion counts and we want to hear it.”

Park/Ratheniska-Timahoe training on Sunday mornings at 11:30 for U7s, U9s and U11s. New members welcome. Contact Frank Shanahan or the school for more information.

Tin Whistle, Homework Club
Continuing as normal. If you’d like your child to take part, please contact the school.

Social, Personal and Health Education
This is one of the curriculum areas that we implement in the school. During the course of the year the children in all classes have been taught the ‘Stay Safe’ programme. We also teach the RSE (relationships and sexuality education) programme which includes modules on growing and changing. If you have any queries please contact your child’s teacher. Thank you.

Staff News
Sincere condolences to Mrs. Curran on the death of her father during the week. On a happier note, congratulations to Mrs. Hurley on the recent birth of her first child; both are doing well!

Junior Infants 2019/20
We are preparing for next year! Parents of children starting in September have been notified that a meeting will be held in the school tomorrow Thursday, 2ndMay at 2:15 p.m. Please note that this meeting is for parents of incoming children only.

Upcoming Dates
School will be closed for the bank holiday next Monday (6thMay) and also for polling day on Friday, 24thMay. First Communion will be on Saturday, 25thMay. Please remember that the school will be closed for the first week in June (Mon. 3rd– Fri. 7th), hopefully with some decent weather in store. School will close for summer on Friday, 28thJune (half-day) and will reopen for all pupils on Thursday, 29thAugust.