Newsletter 18th September 2019

FearLess Programme
There was a very good attendance at the recent talk on how to deal with anxiety in children. For further information and more upcoming events etc. visit

Homework Club
Homework club has recommenced! We provide children with the opportunity to complete their written homework under the supervision of qualified teachers. The club will run on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday afternoons directly after school, from 3 to 4pm. Children are welcome to attend as many evenings as they wish during any given week. The following fees will apply (which include the cost of insurance, light/heat, etc):

  • €4 per day or
  • €15 per week or
  • €55 per 4-week block

Staff News
Congratulations to Mrs. Moriarty (a son) and Mrs. Donnelly (a daughter) who have both given birth recently! We also welcome Ms. Sarah Murphy who has taken over from Mrs. Donnelly.

Additional School Closure
A reminder that we have been informed that the school will be closed for inservice on Wednesday, 23rdOctober.

Ballylinan Youth Club
Ballylinan Youth Club is holding a registration night  for parents on Tuesday the 24th from 7pm to 8pm in St. Anne’s Hall. All children from 12-15 can be registered by their parents or guardians on that night. If any one would like to consider joining Ballylinan Youth Club as a volunteer, please contact Breege Clarke or any member of the club committee.

Book Bills / Rental
Once again thanks to all who have paid. If you have not yet done so, please pay as soon as possible. If you have any queries re. payment, please contact the school.

Change of Address, Phone Number?
If there has been a change in the past year or two, please make sure that we have been informed. You can call us or email us at the address below. Thank you.




Newsletter 11th September 2019

Book Bills / Rental
Once again thanks to all who have paid. If you have not yet done so, please pay as soon as possible. If you have any queries re. payment, please contact the school.

Our new infants have settled in well and from tomorrow (Thursday) will remain in school until 2 pm.

Homework Club
Recommences in Ballylinan National School this month. The club provides children with the opportunity to complete their written homework under the supervision of qualified teachers. The club will run on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday afternoons directly after school, from 3 to 4pm. Children are welcome to attend as many evenings as they wish during any given week.The following fees will apply (which include the cost of insurance, light/heat, etc):

  • €4 per day or
  • €15 per week or
  • €55 per 4-week block

Tin Whistle
Tin whistle this Thursday 12th for all past playing members. Beginners will start on Wednesday 18th Sept from 3-4p.m. All welcome from 1st class upwards.

Cumann na mBunscol competitions are now in full swing. Thanks to the teachers involved in coaching and bringing the boys and girls to matches. We get great support from the local clubs too!

School Calendar 2020
Our Parents Association has produced a school calendar in recent years and it has proved to be very successful not only as a fund-raiser but also as a keepsake. We will be taking photographs of class groups in the coming weeks.

Class Visits
From time to time during the year children will leave the school grounds to visit locations such as St. Anne’s Hall, Ballylinan G.A.A. pitch, St. Anne’s soccer pitch, ‘The Park’, St. Anne’s Church, the old school, the cemetery, etc.  It may not be always possible to inform you in advance that these “trips” will be taking place as they will be weather dependent but children will always be back to school by collection times.

School Closure
Further to last week’s calendar (available at we have been informed that the school will also be closed for inservice on Wednesday, 23rdOctober.

Community News
St. Annes F.C are back into their soccer season. Boys and girls all welcome.
U13s Wednesdays 7-8pm
U12s Thursdays 7-8pm
U11s Tuesdays 7-8pm (starting 17thSept.)
U8s academy- to be confirmed.
Registration €30, new players need to bring a copy of their birth certificate.

Change of Address, Phone Number?
If there has been a change in the past year or two, please make sure that we have been informed. Thank you.

Car Parking
Thank you for your consideration in parking in an orderly manner at the school and allowing plenty of time. Please ensure that you leave staff car spaces free in the mornings. Thank you for your cooperation.


Newsletter 5th September 2019

Book Rental/School Contribution (Costs)
Thanks to everyone who has paid. Through the book rental scheme we try hard to keep costs as low as possible. The school contribution pays for the services provided for your children such as materials for art/science, assessment tests, photocopying, 24 hour personal accident insurance, etc. As we have to pay many of these costs in advance we would appreciate prompt payment. If you wish to discuss payment please contact the school in confidence. Thank you.

Book Grant
Families who qualify for the “Back to School Clothing Allowance” are also eligible for the book grant.  Please let us know.

School Tracksuits
Tracksuits ordered during the summer are now overdue for collection. No further orders can be accepted.

A reminder to parents that the junior playground is open for parking before 3 p.m. to facilitate collection. Please remember that the drop-off area is only for that purpose in the mornings; no double parking in that area is allowed. Thank you for your cooperation.

Healthy Lunch
We encourage the eating of healthy lunches. We ask you not send sweets, crisps (and similar snacks), chocolate, fizzy or energy drinks to school please. We also ask you to be careful about the quantity of food as children may feel they need to finish everything; that is not always the case.

Homework Club (1st to 6th Class)
Begins again on Monday September 9th. Details to follow; any queries please contact the school.

Tin Whistle
Starts back next week. Details to follow.

Swimming starts this week for Mr. Dowling’s class. All other classes will have sessions throughout the year.

FearLess Talk
Parents (or anyone interested) who have indicated in the recent past that their child is unusually anxious may be interested in a free talk for parents of children aged 6-12 years. Wednesday, 11th September at 7 p.m. in Ballylinan N.S. Booking is essential. All welcome. Please email .

School Closed

School will be closed on Friday, 30th August as a mark of respect. Please see details in newsletter below.

Newsletter 29th August 2019

A big welcome back to all our parents and a special welcome to our new ones! Along with the dedicated staff of the school, I look forward to working with with you to help all our children to learn, grow and journey together.

Parking at the School
It is very important to park in an orderly fashion at the school. Please remember that the drop-off area is only for that purpose; no double parking in that area is allowed because then children have to walk between cars which can be dangerous. Please allow plenty of time, particularly on a wet morning. Thank you for your cooperation.

Arrival Time
9:15 a.m. for all children.
(For the first two weeksJunior Infants go directly to their classroom via the back middle door).

Departure Times

  • Junior Infants finish at 12.30 p.m. each day (up to and including Wednesday September 11th). Parents wait at the junior play area.
  • Senior Infants finish at 2 p.m. as usual. All other classes finish at 3 p.m.
  • The overflow car park at the junior play area will be open at 3 p.m. each day.
  • A reminder that parking outside the main gate is only on the left side of the road facing awayfrom the school.

School Tracksuits
Tracksuits ordered during the summer are ready for collection and payment.

Book Rental/School Expenses
Please use the envelope provided with the school report (one envelope per child please).  This will help us to provide receipts and keep an accurate record of payments.

Attendance & Punctuality
It is important to use the ‘Record of Absence’ notes towards the back of the Student Journal if your child has been absent or is going to be absent from school. This is the best way to inform your child’s teacher who needs to know the reason for any absence. Please ensure that your child is on time for school in the mornings and if s/he needs to leave early do let us know in advance. Thank you for your cooperation.

Mobile Phones
These are not necessary for children during the day. In exceptional circumstances if they need to be brought, they must be turned off and handed to the class teacher in the morning.

Medical issues
If your child has any allergies, uses an inhaler or there any other medical issues, please ensure that we have been made aware. If you are in any doubt, please let us know.

Our Pupil Jaydn
We are extremely saddened at the recent passing of Jaydn Kelly. Fr. Shelley led us in some quiet prayers in the school this morning. The children were so respectful and understanding. His teachers and all in the school community dearly wish some comfort for his family and friends at this time.
If your child is particularly affected please let us know and we can offer some helpful advice.

The school will be closed tomorrow (Friday 30thAugust) as a mark of respect. We will reopen as normal on Monday 2ndSeptember.