Newsletter 19th November 2019

Board of Management
Boards of Management in primary schools are being formed for the years 2019-2023.
Boards are made up of the following members:
2 Patron’s Nominees (Catholic Bishop of Kildare & Leighlin)
1 Teacher Nominee & the Principal of the School
2 Parent Nominees (a mother and a father)
2 Community Nominees

Stay Safe Programme
This is a personal safety skills programme for primary schools. Its objective is to prevent child abuse and other forms of child victimization. It is implemented within the broader context of Social, personal and health education. SPHE fosters the development of the human being both as an individual and as a member of society. “It includes areas of education ranging from self-awareness and self-esteem to issues concerning health, nutrition, substance use and misuse, the prevention of child abuse, relationships, sexuality and citizenship”. The annual programme will be implemented across the school in the coming months.

Parents Association AGM
Will take place in the school on Wednesday, 27th November at 7:30 p.m. All welcome.

Christmas Carol Service
Will take place in December; details to follow.

Voluntary Envelope Collection
This important envelope collection is our main means of fundraising and allows us to provide better facilities, equipment and services for your children. From this week onwards the envelopes will be sent home every week with the oldest child in each family. We really appreciate your support and ask you to consider making a small contribution weekly. The money adds up and is put to very good use, providing extra opportunities for our children. Your contribution is voluntary and confidential and you will be issued with a receipt at the end of the year.

Parent-Teacher Meetings
Will take place this year on Tuesday and Thursday, 4th & 6th February.

Change of Address?
If your contact details have changed recently, please contact the school immediately. Thank you.

Cycling to and From School
If your child cycles to school, please remind him/her to cycle on the left, wear a helmet and to be safe and considerate of other users on the road. Thank you.

Newsletter 6th November 2019

Traffic Management
Please remember that the drop-off zone in the mornings is only designed for you to drop and go. If you need to get out of your car at all or if you need to wait for any reason, please use the designated parking spaces. Thank you very much for your cooperation.

Now that winter has arrived there can be more cars at the school in the mornings and evenings. We remind you of the need to be patient and considerate to ensure safe and convenient parking for all. If you are using the ‘overflow’ car park to the rear of the school in the evenings, please drive slowly and be vigilant. Thank you.

Football News
The Cumann na mBunscol competitions have finished for another year. A big thank you to Mrs. Connolly and Mrs. Sukprasert for their help with the girls team. They played well and had some success but ultimately didn’t make the latter stages this time. Fortunately our boys had a great year and deserved their victory in a fast and high-scoring final against Clonaghadoo. A big thank you to Pat Hickey and Paul Julian for their help this year; a great team effort and while not the most important thing, it’s very satisfying to win from time to time! Maith sibh a bhuachaillí – Baile Uí Laigheanáin abú!

Halloween Hike
Thank you very much for your support for the recent hike. Unfortunately there was heavy rain on the day but the children got to parade around the school and a great time was had by all. There were some wonderful homemade costumes! A total of €2,684.53 was raised. Thank you very much for your support.

Staff News
A ceremony was held in the school recently to mark the retirements of Ms. Geraldine Curran and Mrs. Catherine Browne. Pupils, staff, representatives of the Parents Association and the Board of Management attended. Both teachers had worked in the school for eighteen years and we will miss them greatly. We thank them for their dedication to the pupils in their care and wish them an enjoyable and healthy retirement. They have been replaced by Mrs. Stephanie Moriarty (who would have otherwise been redeployed and is currently on maternity leave) and Ms. Eleanor Lacey. Congratulations also go to Mrs. Julian on the recent birth of her daughter!

Attendance & Punctuality
It is important to use the ‘Record of Absence’ notes towards the back of the Student Journal if your child has been absent or is going to be absent from school. This is the best way to inform your child’s teacher who needs to know the reason for any absence. Please ensure that your child is on time for school in the mornings and if s/he needs to leave early do let us know in advance . Thank you for your cooperation.

Cycling to and From School
If your child cycles to school, please remind him/her to cycle on the left, wear a helmet and to be safe and considerate of other users on the road. Thank you.