Newsletter 17th December 2019

Christmas Carol Service & “Shine Star Shine”
Well done to all who took part. The singing was lovely and we hope that you had an enjoyable time! Following our carol service in the church, a donation was made to ‘Aoibheann’s Pink Tie’ in memory of our fellow pupil and friend Jaydn Kelly.

School Calendar
On sale at the school office and Centra, price €8. This is a nice keepsake or (big) stocking filler!

Internet Safety
Internet Safety & Anti Cyberbullying Workshops for 5th & 6th Class pupils will take place on Tuesday, 7th January. There will also be an information session open to all parents that night at 7:15 p.m. Please note in your diary; we all could do with some advice on how to deal with the online world.

Parish News
Practice will take place in the Church on Friday 20th December at 7p.m. If you would like your children to take part in this years 6 p.m. Christmas Eve Mass, please text their names and ages to Margaret at 086 – 325 4931 before Thursday 19th December.

Tin Whistle
Following this week’s concert, tin whistle will resume as normal in the new year.

No Presents Needed
While teachers like to receive presents at Christmas and children like to give them there is absolutely no need and no one should feel under any pressure in this regard. Working that little bit better in school would be a great present though, a gift that would keep on giving not only to the receiver but also to the giver! As has been the custom in recent years we also ask children to refrain from giving cards to classmates as the volume of cards and envelopes generated is extraordinary. They may give one to their ‘Advent Friend’ under the guidance of the class teacher.

Nollaig Shona
Before things get too hectic we would like to take this opportunity to wish everybody associated with the school – but especially you the parents – a very happy and peaceful Christmas. We think of some especially difficult family circumstances and will be keeping you in our prayers at this time.

The school will close for the Christmas holidays at 12:20 for Infants and 12:30 for all others this Friday 20th December. The children don’t have to wear their uniform on that day; they may wear something ‘Christmassy’ if they wish. We will re-open on Monday, 6th January 2020. Other planned closures are detailed on the school website.

 Thank you for your support as always. Nollaig shona daoibh go léir.

Newsletter 9th December 2019

Reminder: Christmas Carol Service
Pupils from 1st – 6th Classes will be taking part in a Carol Service in Ballylinan Church next Tuesday night, 10thDecember. Due to the numbers involved, we have divided the children into two groups on the night. You will be aware of these by now. You are most welcome to come and join us for just a few prayerful moments to focus on what’s most important at Christmas. Please note:

  • The first service will begin at 7 p.m. and finish a little after 7:30.
  • The second service will begin at 8:15 p.m. and finish a little after 8:45.
  • Pupils are to wear proper school uniform on the night. To make sure that uniforms are clean and ready, pupils may wear tracksuits next Monday and Tuesday.
  • Each family will be issued with 3 tickets @ €3 per ticket. These are available from class teachers. Please do not request tickets from the office.
  • While there should be room for all, seating on the night will be first come, first served.
  • As children enter the church with you, please remove and hold on to their coats (if worn). This will make it easier for them to move to and from the altar.

Nativity Story
Junior and Senior Infants will be taking part in ‘Shine Star Shine’ on Thursday of this week (12th) at 12 noon in the Dunne Sourke hall.

Food Appeal
Many thanks to you all for your generous support of our food appeal.

Tin Whistle
Both groups will be practising this Wednesday 11th. Christmas concert tomorrow week (Tuesday 17th) at 1:30 p.m. in the school. All welcome.

School Calendar
Will soon be on sale at the school office and Centra, price €8. This is a nice keepsake and looking back at previous calendars it is interesting to note how much the children have changed over the years!

Ballylinan GAA
Christmas Fair in the clubhouse from 1-5 p.m. this Sunday, 15th December. Colouring competitions must be returned to the school by this Thursday 12th.

No Presents Needed
While teachers like to receive presents at Christmas and children like to give them there is absolutely no need and no one should feel under any pressure in this regard. Working that little bit better in school would be a great present though, a gift that would keep on giving not only to the receiver but also to the giver! As has been the custom in recent years we also ask children to refrain from giving cards to classmates as the volume of cards and envelopes generated is extraordinary. They may give one to their ‘Advent Friend’ under the guidance of the class teacher.



Newsletter 3rd December 2019

Confirmation Meeting
A reminder that Arles Parish will hold a meeting for parents of candidates for Confirmation 2020 in the school tonightTuesday, 3rd December at 7:30 p.m.

Christmas Carol Service
Pupils from 1st – 6th Classes will be taking part in a Carol Service in Ballylinan Church next Tuesday night, 10thDecember. Due to the large numbers involved, we have divided the children into two groups on the night. You should be aware of these by now. You are most welcome to come and join us for just a few prayerful moments to focus on what’s most important at Christmas. Please note:
The first service will begin at 7 p.m. and finish a little after 7:30.
The second service will begin at 8:15 p.m. and finish a little after 8:45.
Pupils are to wear proper school uniform on the night. To make sure that uniforms are clean and ready, pupils may wear tracksuits next Monday and Tuesday.
Each family will be issued with 3 tickets @ €3 per ticket. These will be available from class teachers from tomorrow (Wednesday). Please do not request tickets from the office.
While there should be room for all, seating on the night will be first come, first served.
As children enter the church with you, please remove and hold on to their coats (if worn). This will make it easier for them to move to and from the altar.

Nativity Story
Junior and Senior Infants will be taking part in ‘Shine Star Shine’ on Thursday week (12th) at 12 noon in the Dunne Sourke hall.

Advent Friends
Last Sunday was the first Sunday of Advent. As in previous years, each child in the school has been allocated an “advent” or “special” friend in the lead up to Christmas.  We are asking that children should be particularly kind to the person without letting them know that they have been chosen. No cards or gifts are required; the pupils will make cards in school.

Football DVD
A DVD of the boys’ recent football final victory is available! It is produced by Brian O’Sullivan and costs €12.50 if ordered as a group. If you wish to order a copy please ring the school at 059 – 862 5195. Final orders by this Thursday 5th December please.

Gaeilgeoirí Óga!
Éist le daltaí ag labhairt Gaeilge; téigh go dtí

Food Appeal
Our food appeal is taking place this Wednesday and Thursday (4th and 5th December). Thank you very much for your generous donations and to Ms. Goff for her work in organising. All contributions gratefully received. Thank you for your support as always.


Newsletter 27th November 2019

Parents Association AGM
Please note that this meeting has had to be postponed at short notice. Apologies for any inconvenience.

Board of Management
The Board of Management is now in place for the years 2019-2023:
Patron’s Nominees:  Michael Sourke, James Eustace
Teachers:  Paula Connolly (teacher nominee), John Threadgold
Parent Nominees:  Lorraine Hickey, Frank Shanahan
Community Nominees:  Deirdre Murphy, Beverley Kaye

Christmas Carol Service
Will take place on the night of Tuesday, 10th December at 7 p.m. and 8:15 p.m. Further details in due course.

Internet Safety
We have recently organised Internet Safety & Anti Cyberbullying Workshops for 5th & 6th Class pupils to take place on Tuesday, 7th January. There will also be a Parent Information Evening that same night. Please note in your diary. More details to follow.

Big Switch
Arrival of Santa and switching on of Christmas lights Sunday, 1st December at 6 p.m. Emily Square, Athy. See notice on school notice board.

Homework Club
Homework Club will finish on this Thursday, 28th November until further notice. Wishing you all a happy Christmas and a healthy new year!

Football DVD
A DVD of the boys’ recent football final victory is available! It is produced by Brian O’Sullivan and costs €12.50 if ordered as a group. If you wish to order a copy please ring the school at 059 – 862 5195.

Confirmation Meeting
Please note that Arles Parish will hold a meeting for parents of candidates for Confirmation 2020 in Ballylinan school next Tuesday, 3rd December at 7:30 p.m.

Food Appeal
Our food appeal will take place again this year. Please see attached.