Newsletter 23rd January 2020

Catholic Schools Week  (Jan 26th – Feb 2nd)
Grandparents Mass (including parents!) will be celebrated on Friday 31st January at 12.30 p.m. in St. Anne’s Church (note slightly earlier time this year). Pupils will be able to leave after the mass if collected from the school. We are looking forward to what is always one of the nicest events of the year!

Triple P Junior & Teen Groups/ Fear- Less Seminars
Midlands Area Parenting Partnership are delivering  programs for parents of primary school children over the coming months. Please see posters on notice board at the school or visit .

Parents Association AGM
Will take place in the school on Wednesday, 29th January at 7:30 p.m. All welcome.

Parish News
Arles Parish reminds you that children for First Communion are invited to 11.30 mass this Sunday in Ballylinan. The children are asked to please bring colouring pencils.

Please visit where you can hear some of our pupils reading some short poems and conversing in Irish. Is féidir libh éisteacht lenár ndaltaí ag caint as Gaeilge. Bainigí triail as!

Parent/Teacher Meetings
These are an important chance to have a chat with your child’s teacher about his/her progress. They will take place this year on Tuesday and Thursday, 4th & 6th February. Times will be allocated to you in the coming days. Please note that parents of pupils who were receiving learning support (SEN) earlier in the year from either Mrs. Curran or Mrs. Browne will not have a meeting with an SEN teacher at this time, but will meet with the class teacher as normal.

School Calendar
There are still a small number on sale, price €8. A big thanks to all who supported our calendar by placing an advertisement for their business. Available from the office.

Enrolment 2020/21
Parents who have already given their child’s name to the school will receive an enrolment form in the next couple of weeks. Please return the form promptly because we need to prepare for next year. If your child is due to start school in September and you haven’t already let us know, please contact the school office immediately at 059 – 862 5195. Thank you.


Newsletter 14th January 2020

Mass for Confirmation
Parents of 6th Class: Mass of Commitment tonight (Tuesday 14th) in Arles at 7:30 p.m.

Internet Safety
There was a good attendance at our talk last week with Ger Brick. There was much food for thought and many issues were raised of which parents need to be aware. Check privacy settings! If you weren’t able to come, please talk to someone who did. At the very least, visit .

Triple P Junior & Teen Groups/ Fear- Less Seminars
Midlands Area Parenting Partnership are delivering  programs for parents of primary school children over the coming months. Please see posters on notice board at the school or visit .

Swimming is ongoing for various classes throught the year, as is football, hurling and rugby. We are pleased that Imelda Andrews is returning for music this week for classes from Infants – 4th Class.

We made a donation to ‘Aoibheann’s Pink Tie’ in memory of Jaydn Kelly from monies collected for our Christmas Carol Service. Thank you all for your support.

Déanaigí iarracht cupla focal a úsáid – try to use a word or two each day!
Here are a couple you might hear in everyday talk:

leadránach – boring
taoiseach ­– chieftain, prime minister
bean sí ­– female fairy (banshee)
bóithrín – little road (boreen)
bróg – a shoe (brogue)
craic – fun
go leor – plenty (galore)
uisce beatha – water of life (whiskey!)

Parent/Teacher Meetings
These are an important chance to have a chat with your child’s teacher about his/her progress. They will take place this year on Tuesday and Thursday, 4th & 6th February. Times will be allocated to you in the next couple of weeks.

Catholic Schools Week  (Jan 26th – Feb 2nd)
Grandparents Mass (including parents!) will be celebrated during the week (details to follow).

School Calendar
There are still some on sale, price €8. A big thanks to all who supported our calendar by placing an advertisement for their business. Available from the office.

Enrolment 2020/21
Parents who have already given their child’s name to the school will receive an enrolment form in the next couple of weeks. Please return the form promptly because we need to prepare for next year. If your child is due to start school in September and you haven’t already let us know, please contact the school office immediately at 059 – 862 5195. Thank you.


Newsletter 6th January 2020

Athbhliain Faoi Mhaise / Happy New Year!
Welcome back to all our pupils. We hope that parents had a good Christmas break and wish everyone in our school community all the best for 2020.

School Calendar
There are still some on sale, price €8. A big thanks to all who supported our calendar by placing an advertisement for their business. Available from the office.

Green Schools News
A reminder that all children are required to take home in their lunchboxes any lunch waste that they may have. This will include any food waste and wrappers etc. and will also give you an indication whether the amount of lunch provided is appropriate for your child. If there is too much food it may be reduced, a ‘proper’ lunchbox may be reused and some wrappings may be recycled. As a green school, we aim to reduce, reuse and recycle (in that order), and encourage people to be responsible for the waste that we produce.

Tin Whistle
Tin whistle will resume as normal this week; Tuesdays for beginners and Thursdays for advanced.

Parking at the School
It is very important to park in an orderly fashion at the school. Please remember that the drop-off area is only for that purpose; no double parking in that area is allowed because then children have to walk between cars which can be dangerous. Please allow plenty of time, particularly on a wet morning. Please ensure that disabled parking spaces are kept free. Thank you for your cooperation.

School Uniform
Please note that the school tracksuit requires plain bottoms (no logos), not leggings. Thank you.

Voluntary Envelope Collection
This important envelope collection is our main means of fundraising and allows us to provide better facilities, equipment and services for your children. The envelopes are sent home every Tuesday with the oldest child in each family. Your contribution is voluntary and confidential and you will be issued with a receipt at the end of the year. Please consider contributing this year if you haven’t done so for a while; it benefits all the children in the school.

Internet Safety
There will be an information session open to all parents tomorrow (Tuesday) night at 7:15 p.m. There will be no charge. Formerly with Microsoft Ireland, Ger Brick has facilitated workshops with over 60,000 primary school children throughout the country. If you have any concerns about how your children (or you as a parent) deal with the online world, please make an effort to come along. Parents of children in all classes are welcome.