Staying on Track 3

Suggested Work for Pupils
Monday 6th  – Friday 10 April*

Here is work for this week if you want to give it a go! Don’t forget to keep an eye out for  RTE Home School Hub on RTE2 at 11 a.m.
We hope you haven’t forgotten which room you’re in!

Room 6    (Junior Infants)
Room 5    (Senior Infants)
Room 4    (Senior Infants)
Room 4    (1st Class)
Room 2    (2nd Class)
Room 1    (2nd Class)
Room 1    (3rd Class)
Room 7    (3rd Class)
Room 7    (4th Class)
Room 9    (4th Class)
Room 10  (5th Class)
Room 11   (5th & 6th Class)
Room 12   (6th Class)

RTE Home School Hub


*This work is to keep your child on track.

Parents should not feel under pressure to ensure work is completed, particularly over Easter. It can’t replace the school day.
New work will be posted here at the beginning of each week, but not next week.

Please note that after Easter we will be providing email contacts for you to provide ongoing support for your child. Details to follow.

Please take good care of rented books; they will be needed for others.
We wish all our families well and hope to see you again as soon as possible.

Staying on Track Over Easter

Dear Parents,

We will continue to suggest work for pupils next week (6th – 10th April) but will leave the following week free in recognition of the ‘Easter Holidays’.

If you wish to comment on whether the work we are providing is too much, too little, a good idea or otherwise, you’re welcome to email .

Staying on Track 2

Suggested Work for Pupils
Monday 30th March – Friday 3rd April*

Here is work for this week if you want to give it a go! Don’t forget to keep an eye out for  RTE Home School Hub on RTE2 at 11 a.m.

Ms. Butler  (Junior Infants)
Ms. Twomey  (Senior Infants)
Ms. Cunningham  (Senior Infants)
Ms. Cunningham  (1st Class)
Ms. Brennan  (2nd Class)
Ms. Murphy  (2nd Class)
Ms. Murphy  (3rd Class)
Ms. Goff  (3rd Class)
Ms. Goff  (4th Class)
Ms. Hogan  (4th Class)
Mr. Dowling  (5th Class)
Mrs. Lacey (5th & 6th Class)
Ms. Sukprasert  (6th Class)

RTE Home School Hub


*This work is to keep your child on track.

Parents should not feel under pressure to ensure work is completed.
It can’t replace the school day.
New work will be posted here at the beginning of each week.

Please take good care of rented books; they will be needed for others.
We wish all our families well and hope to see you again as soon as possible.

Staying on Track 1

Suggested Work for Pupils
Wednesday 25th March – Friday  27th March*

We hope you got on OK with this week’s work and well done if you made the time to do it! Next week’s work will be ready for you here on Monday morning. Be good for your parents, they love you very much!

Ms. Butler (Junior Infants)
Ms. Twomey (Senior Infants)
Ms. Cunningham (Senior Infants)
Ms. Cunningham (1st Class)
Ms. Brennan (2nd Class)
Ms. Murphy (2nd Class)
Ms. Murphy (3rd Class)
Ms. Goff (3rd Class)
Ms. Goff (4th Class)
Ms. Hogan (4th Class)
Mr. Dowling (5th Class)
Ms. Lacey (5th & 6th Class)
Ms. Sukprasert (6th Class)

What about writing a journal?
Look for animals in Dublin Zoo.
Do you want to make your own chess set?


*This work is to keep your child on track.

Parents should not feel under pressure to ensure work is completed.
It can’t replace the school day.
New work will be posted here at the beginning of each week.

Please take good care of rented books; they will be needed for others.
We wish all our families well and hope to see you again as soon as possible.

Book Collection Today

Book collection has been brought forward to 4 – 8 pm today, Tuesday 24th March.

Please park as normal and enter the school playground by the Athy (Infant) end where there is more space. The books will be organised in the same lines as pupils gather in the morning. All books will be bundled, bagged and clearly labelled. There will be a staff member to guide you.

Four hours is quite a lot of time, but we ask for your patience and understanding if there are busy times. Outlines of work will be posted on this website. We’re working hard to get them ready as soon as possible and we’ll be in touch.

Please observe physical distancing, this is not a social event.

Stay safe everyone.