For Parents of Incoming Junior Infants

Dear Parents,


If this is your first child to attend Ballylinan N.S., you are especially welcome. Usually we would be meeting face-to-face and getting to know each other that way. That will happen (soon we hope) but for now we are limited to digital communication.

We would normally have been in contact with you sooner, but we are awaiting guidelines from the Department of Education & Skills. Presuming there is some further relaxation of restrictions, we aim to open for all pupils after the summer. We are really looking forward to meeting our new Junior Infants!

We will have more updates for you over the next week or two, including some information that will be posted to you. For now, the following needs your attention:

  1. We need an email address for you. It is possible that we will need it more than we would previously have done. Please identify yourself in the email and as ‘parent of …’
  2. Tracksuit orders for next year are now being taken via the school office. (This can double as you providing an email address.)
    Please email on or before Wednesday, 17th June.

Sizes start at 4-5 (this size is very small, most juniors need 5/6).
Sizes go whole way up 5/6, 6/7, 7/8 up to 11/12, then 13, Sm, Med.
Sizes can be mixed and matched in a full track suit.

Prices: full tracksuit up to & including 10/11 is €26 & after that €28.
Individual prices: tops up to & including 10/11 €15, pants €11.

Tops -11/12 onwards €16, pants €12.

On Track (8th – 12th June)

Suggested Work for Pupils*

If you’re looking for help you’re welcome to email the addresses below.

Please remember to take good care of rented books; they will need to be returned next week (Tuesday 16th June, see newsletter below).

For the remainder of the month of June there will be a number of themed activity weeks. Class teachers will continue to assign English, Gaeilge and Maths tasks for boys and girls to complete. There is also a menu of fun, whole school, theme based activities available. Please engage with these activities as much as possible.

Welcome to Creativity Week!
(If you’re really into it, you might like to visit here).

Room 6  (Junior Infants)

Room 5  (Senior Infants)

Room 4 (Senior Infants)

Room 4  (1st Class)

Room 2  (2nd Class)

Room 1  (2nd Class)

(Mrs. Donnelly has taken over from Ms. Murphy in Room 1)

Room 1  (3rd Class)

Room 7  (3rd Class)

Room 7  (4th Class)

Room 9  (4th Class)

Room 10  (5th Class)

Room 11  (5th & 6th Class)

Room 12  (6th Class)

For Pupils Receiving Learning Support

*This work is to keep your child on track.

Parents should not feel under pressure to ensure work is completed, it can’t replace the school day. It’s important to supervise your child’s access to the internet.

Newsletter 8th June

Dear Parents,

We hope that you and your families are well and have not been too badly affected by the upheaval of the past few months. It has brought changes that we could not have imagined when we began the school year last September. We have really missed our daily contact with your children.

Learning for the coming week will be posted here tomorrow morning. There will be a few changes for the remaining weeks and we are hoping to get all the pupils involved based on the themes of creativity, activity and community.

We put a lot of thought into how best to provide support for remote learning. We were aware that for some parents it was something they were keen to embrace. We were also aware that for others, it was yet another demand during an already demanding time. Because we have to bear in mind the possibility that at times next year something similar could happen, we really need to hear your views on remote learning. Please see link at the end of this newsletter.

We await guidelines from the Department of Education and Skills as to how we may begin to organise school for the coming year. All we can say at this stage is that presuming there is some further relaxation of restrictions, we aim to open for all pupils after the summer.

Strange as it may seem, we are busy trying to organise things as the school year draws to a close. We will have further information for you in due course.

For now, the following things need your attention:

  1. We need to collect any rental books and you need to collect the remaining books etc. that the children have left in the school. We aim to do this on Tuesday week, 16th June. Details to follow.
  2. Tracksuit orders for next year are now being taken via the school office.
    Please email on or before Wednesday, 17th June.
    Sizes start at 4-5 (this size is very tiny, most jnrs need 5/6).
    Sizes go whole way up 5/6, 6/7, 7/8 up to 11/12, then 13, Sm, Med.
    Sizes can be mixed and matched in a full track suit.

    Last Year’s Prices: full tracksuit up to & including 10/11 is €26 & after that €28. Individual prices: tops up to & including 10/11 €15, pants €11.
    Tops -11/12 onwards €16, pants €12.
  3. It is important that we hear your views on remote learning. It will only take a minute; please complete the survey (before 11 a.m. on Monday, 8th June).

On Track (1st – 5th June)

Suggested Work for Pupils*

If you’re looking for help you’re welcome to email the addresses below.

Please remember to take good care of rented books; they will be needed for others.

Keep an eye out for:
Cúla4 ar Scoil
RTE Home School Hub

Room 6  (Junior Infants)

Room 5  (Senior Infants)

Room 4 (Senior Infants)

Room 4  (1st Class)

Room 2  (2nd Class)

Room 1  (2nd Class)

(Mrs. Donnelly has taken over from Ms. Murphy in Room 1)

Room 1  (3rd Class)

Room 7  (3rd Class)

Room 7  (4th Class)

Room 9  (4th Class)

Room 10  (5th Class)

Room 11  (5th & 6th Class)

Room 12  (6th Class)

For Pupils Receiving Learning Support

*This work is to keep your child on track.

Parents should not feel under pressure to ensure work is completed, it can’t replace the school day. It’s important to supervise your child’s access to the internet.

We wish all our families well and hope to see you again as soon as possible!