School Reopening (Update 13th August)

Dear Parents,

We will be taking a calm, cautious and common-sense approach to our reopening. The main thing you need to know right now is that school will run mostly as normal but with some important changes. These will be kept to a minimum and we will let you know when the time is right.

Because our advice keeps being updated, we don’t want to give you information now only to have to change it and cause confusion.

We anticipate very little or no change to opening and closing times.

There can be speculation about schools on social media; this is unhelpful. Please ignore it. This website will always have the most up-to-date information directly related to our school.

We will begin to issue details for you next week. In the meantime, if there is an exceptional issue relating to your child or family situation of which we need to be aware, you are welcome to email us with any concerns.

The restrictions announced recently for Laois, Kildare and Offaly have not changed our plans. We are on course to reopen for all pupils on the 27th. I’m hopeful that once we are up and running, we will be able to settle into our new routines quite quickly.

It’s important that we all follow public health advice so that our schools can reopen and stay open.

We can’t wait to see all of our pupils again!


Newsletter 26th June

Our Pupils
What great pupils we have in this school and how we have missed them this year! A school is not a school without them and we want to see them all in the new school year. We were so badly disrupted; what a happy time it will be when they can return and we can pick up where we left off. We look forward to the day.

Teachers 2020/21
Junior Infants       Mrs. Kavanagh
Senior Infants      Ms. Twomey
1st & 2nd Class    Ms. Brennan
1st & 2nd Class    Mrs. Donnelly
3rd Class                 Ms. Cunningham
3rd Class                 Ms. Goff
4th Class                 Ms. Hogan
4th & 5th Class   Ms. Lacey
5th & 6th Class   Mrs. Sukprasert
6th Class                Mrs. Hurley

Special Education Teachers
Ms. Cotter
Mrs. Connolly
Mrs. Moriarty
Ms. Hayden & Mrs. Julian (job-sharing)
Ms. Kiernan

School Uniform Reminder
Green jumper/cardigan, white shirt, grey trousers/skirt/pinafore.
School tracksuit is available through the school and is to be worn with a white polo shirt on P.E. days only. Replacement navy legs (plain only) may be purchased in any shop.
In warm weather, plain navy shorts of an appropriate length may be worn.
We recommend practical footwear, preferably in a dark colour.

School Year 2020/21
We await detailed guidance from the Department of Education & Skills. We are planning for a situation where all pupils will return to school on Thursday, 27th August. More detailed arrangements will follow and will be communicated to you as soon as possible.

End of Year
As we end this extraordinary year I would like to thank all those who help to keep the school running so well, including those who volunteer their time and efforts in many ways, members of the Board of Management and the Parents Association. I especially want to thank the staff for their hard work and for all the dedication and the exceptional care and attention that they give to your children. Most of all this year I want to thank you the parents; not only for your loyal and enthusiastic support of the school but for your efforts in trying to keep your children on track in very demanding circumstances. Take a bow! I dearly wish that during the summer you can find some time for yourselves to rest and relax.

John Threadgold

6th Class
The final word goes to our 6th Class. They lost so much this year but they will grow stronger from the experience. We did the best we could for them last Wednesday in a strangely rewarding drive-in graduation ceremony on a beautiful evening. It was great even though we all knew it wasn’t the same as the real thing. I think every one of them deserves their name to be mentioned:
Ciara, Andrea, Kaycee, Hannah, Emily, Anna, Megan, Grace, Caitlin, Jenna, Molly, Ailbhe, Caitlin, Ali, Abbie, Simon, Oisín, James, Cian, Jack, Conor, Jake, Fionn, Colm, Dylan, James, Josh, Odhran, Jack, Robbie, Dean, Colum, Samuel, Eoin, Niall, Dean and Shane.

God bless them all.