Halloween:  Dress-up on Friday.  Contribution of €2 per child or €3 euro per family.  We hope everyone will have a great and a safe Halloween.

Parent Association A.G.M.See below.

Message from Ballylinan NS Parents Association

Parents Association AGM

Tuesday November 8th @ 8.30 pm. in the school.

Recognising the fact that parents have busy lives and following consultation, the Parents Association for the current school year will introduce some new changes (with the permission of the A.G.M.) –

  • A core committee (5/6 people) will be set up which will meet between 3 and 5 times in the year or on a need basis.

  • Parents who do not wish to be part of the committee can give their names as volunteers for special occasions – First Confession, Graduation, etc as the need arises.

  • By attending the A.G.M. it does not mean you will get a job!

  • By attending the A.G.M. you are indicating your support for the school, your children and for each other.

  • The role of the Parents Association is to work with the Principal, staff and Board of Management to provide the best possible education for the children in the school.