ANTI-BULLYING POLICY: A draft of our updated policy has been posted on the school website. Comments or observations can be emailed to

SWIMMING: Well done to our Junior Infants in Mrs. Kavanagh’s class who started swimming lessons in Athy yesterday (Wednesday). It was a great success all round and an ideal opportunity to develop the children’s confidence and independence.
* Ms. Twomey’s class will travel to Portlaoise Swimming Pool tomorrow (Friday).

HEALTH SURVEY: N.U.I. Galway are carrying out a Health Behaviour in School-aged Children survey and children in 3rd – 6th class have been invited to participate. Parents will receive an information pack which includes a consent form. We feel it will be a good experience for the children to take part, so we presume that you give your consent unless you inform us otherwise. There is no need to return the consent form.

Uisce says “Don’t say no to saving H20”